Chapter 14: Change

Start from the beginning

A couple weeks passed before everyone got used to Ford being back well not necessarily 'use' to it but they dealt with the change. (Y/N) was going through some changes as well, the voices in her head kept coming to her every night, she couldn't get any sleep because too many nightmares, and the mark on the back of her neck she was still surprisingly unaware of kept burning, she also started to become more sarcastic and violently towards everyone except the twins. Inside the shack gift shop (Y/N) scratched her neck as she began to stock the counter as Stan, Mabel and Dipper sat there doing there own thing. Suddenly the vending machine opened revealing Ford who held a creature that was wrapped around his gloved arms. Mabel and Dipper screamed at the creature, "Everyone get down don't let it taste human flesh!" Ford yelled as he hit the creature with a shock that caused it to go running through the gift shop. Ford chased it as it tried to attack (Y/N) she reacted by grabbing it and aggressively and hitting it against the register and tossed it to the ground and stepped on it over and over again even after it whimpered she still continued to step on it. "Stop! You'll kill it!" Ford yelled as he grabbed (Y/N) in a hold and she grabbed Ford and threw him against the wall. Realizing what she had done (Y/N) took her foot off the creature that was now barely clinging to life, and she looked at Ford who rubbed his head and looked at her surprised. (Y/N) looked around as everyone stared at her with concerned faces. (Y/N) mouthed 'sorry' to Dipper and Mabel as she ran out of the gift shop and into the woods. "What's up with her?" Ford asked as he picked up the creature and everyone looked at each other with worry. (Y/N) felt hot suddenly which caused her to throw off her leather jacket as it landed beside her while she fell to her knees sitting there in her sleeveless turtle neck and pants gasping for air. "What's...What's me!" (Y/N) said as the mark in her neck started to burn more intensely than before. Sweat poured down the side of her face as she struggled to stay awake as she felt a great sensation of exhaustion overcome her body. "When it happens is when I'll rise and may him pay for what he did." A voice said, (Y/N) put her hands over her ears. "Shut up shut up! I don't know what you're talking about just shut up!!!!!" (Y/N) yelled as everything went silent and she fainted. Still halfway conscious (Y/N) felt someone pick her up bridal style and walked with her in their arms. (Y/N)'s head leaned into the persons chest as she felt a pair of lips graze her forehead and from the way these lips felt the person was no doubt smirking. (Y/N) tried to force herself awake to see the person who helped her but in the end lost to the power of exhaustion.

(Y/N) woke up from her bed and sat up quickly looking around frantically as she only saw her room. "How'd I-" (Y/N) said before she cut herself off and looked at her clothes realizing she wasn't wearing what she did before, she wore a long sleeved white dress shirt and with it she wore white panties. (Y/N) got embarrassed and covered her lower part with the blankets. "But who- you know what I'm not even gonna ask. Whatever I'm just losing my mind aren't I?" (Y/N) said as she got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. Suddenly she was interrupted by a knock at the door. (Y/N) totally forgetting what she was in (Y/N) raced out of the bathroom over the bed out of the room and downstairs and opened the door as she was greeted by Dipper and Mabel. They waved to (Y/N) before Dipper suddenly started screaming from freaking out and Mabel did too once she realized what he was looking at. (Y/N) looked down as she was in only a shirt and her underwear, she screamed and slammed the door on them before where opened it again and was in her normal clothes. "Sorry about that guys come in, come in." (Y/N) said as the twins walked in and she shut the door behind them. "You feeling better (Y/N)?" Mabel asked. "Yeah you've been having some violent mood swings lately and sleeping for the past three days you feeling any better?" Dipper asked. (Y/N) dropped you're cup of coffee that you began to pour and swung around and looked at Dipper and Mabel with a beyond shocked expression. "I was sleeping for the past three days!? B-B-But I-" (Y/N) said as she tried to process her thoughts and words. "(Y/N)? Is something wrong." Dipper asked. "I-It's nothing just sleep deprived that's all hehehe nothing to worry about I just need to take one of these days to just take it easy and sleep." (Y/N) said as she laughed nervously and cleaned up the spilled coffee. "Well I hope you're well rested because guess what we are planning this week?" Mabel said as she smiled. "What's up?" (Y/N) asked as she looked at Mabel who held a poster up and showed a drawing of Dipper and Mabel coming out of a cake that read '13th Birthday'. "It's are birthday party! It's on the last day of summer and we nominate you the guest of honor! Please say you'll come." Mabel said as she stood there waiting for an answer. "Yes of course I'll come I can't miss an important day! It was the day I became the luckiest cousin ever because bestowed upon the family were you guys." (Y/N) said as she hugged Dipper and Mabel. "Also Mabel its our birthday so we'd be the guest of honor." Dipper said. "I agree with Dipper." (Y/N) said as she smiled. "Yay! Alright then you can help us do party junk all week but after you take today easy alright! Come on Dipper let's go see who else wants to come!" Mabel yelled as Dipper ran out the door and Mabel followed behind. "Don't forget to rest, Kay, Love you (Y/N)! Bye!" Mabel said before she closed the door and left. "Birthday Party huh." (Y/N) said as she looked at the poster that was on the floor and picked it up. (Y/N) stared in worry at the poster as she scratched her neck again unaware of the mark Bill had placed on her. Our little (Y/N) has yet to learn what she is and who she is to be.

To Be Continued......

Thank you guys for you're patience sorry for taking awhile, writers block almost had its grasp on me but I muscled through it by watching Gravity Falls so yay! Anyway hope you still like this story I'm really sorry if it seems I'm losing your interest but it'll get exciting in the next chapter so I hope you'll be looking forward to that. Thank you all again you wonderful people for you're love and support and stay AWESOME!!!!!! See you in the next chapter!! BYE BYE!! 💙💙💙💙💙

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