7 // Time Flies

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A/N: The ending was gross but yolo

Today's been pretty eventful. I went home for the first time since Sunday (It's Wednesday, if you guys were wondering) and it was pretty sad. The house was still and the fact I was the only moving thing in it was dumb, so I just changed my clothes and left.

The first place I visited was the Shepard's. I asked Tim a few things because Anglea was out. Curly Shepard, the younger brother, has been and will be gone for a while. Well, I haven't seen him since I was patching up his and Ponyboy's finger burns.

I visited Darry and Soda, they asked me many things about their "kid brother". I knew where they were, but I didn't know the exact place. Told 'em I'm visiting them on Friday with Dally and boy did Darry give me a LOT to tell Ponyboy. Speaking of him, his and Johnny's descriptions are in the paper now.

After that, I realized I hadn't eaten. (I mean, the moment you realize you didn't eat makes you starve.) I went out to get breakfast. Dally doesn't know it, but I caught him talking it up with two greasy girls. One I knew, Ashley, a brown headed girl, and a blonde. Hell, I'm gonna smack him the next time I see him.

I also visited some gal pals. I don't usually talk to them outside of school, but later is better than never. Cady and Maggie. We were in Cady's room which was so pink, it distracts you from the strong mix of hairspray and nail polish. Cady was going on and on about how all her boyfriends are boring and wants one who likes motorcycles and sex; Maggie was blabbing about how she can never even hook a guy.

"What about you, Little Miss?" Cady suddenly called me out mid ramble "How are you with men?"

"Eh." I thought for a bit "I just don't care right now."

"Eh?" Maggie asked, sounding shocked "What kind of boy excites you?"

I hummed to myself before answering "A bad one. Who drags me into bad things."

"Certain boy come to mind?" Maggie asked Cady "One definitely came into mine."

"Yeah, but he doesn't fit the description!" Cady shrugged "That Steve guy, but he's got a girlfriend."

"Ooo, you do hang with him!" Maggie exclaimed "But I was thinkin' James Rider. Totally bad, and totally hot."

"And totally single!" Cady added "You should go for him, Aubrey!"

"Thanks, but no." I laughed. The name "Dallas Winston" didn't come up, which was surprising.

"Why not? He's your type and available!" Cady cried

"I have a police record thanks to another guy." I smiled at the thought of getting taken into jail with Dally "Speaking of, I have to smack him later." Speaking of... Once, I was out with Two-Bit and Dally and Ponyboy... Let's say, items just fell into my pocket thanks to Dally. Got taken in for attempted shoplifting. Ugh.

"Are you crazy?!" Maggie scolded. "You don't smack boys!" They think boys are the top of everything. Well, I don't blame them, but they need to stop praisin' them all the time.

On Thursday I visited Sodapop and he's a mess. His brother's gone and his girlfriend too.. Why is everything so hard for the people who try the most? He told me he loved her and she just left. He told me he'll never find a woman so great. I told him she'll never find a man as wonderful as him.

"She's gone, Aubrey." Sodapop sighed "Wha... What do I do now?"

I felt bad because I couldn't answer. I can't just say "move on" because that's horrible advice. "Soda, you need to know that life goes on." I tried my best "Life goes on and so will you. You don't have to move on now, only dead fish follow the stream."

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