''Nothing.Everything is good between us but I wasn't honest with him or to you'' 

''What do you mean?'' She looked at me confused while taking a bite of her chocolate brownie.

''I didn't tell you and him everything about me.When I went to my old school,me and my friend Ariana would get into fights with half odf the girls there.Everyone kept calling us names and so many other things.One day I completely snapped and I couldn't take it anymore.I remember telling my boyfriend everything that happened and he came to my old school with me.'' I said looking at her.

''Demi im so sorry.No one deserves that.'' I looked in her eyes and realized she was being sincere and caring and I really appreciate that.

''I wasn't done.When he came and visit,the girls kept making fun of him and I just went off.I eneded up sending 2 girls to the hospital.My boyfriend broke up with me the next day.I used to act this way since my parents divorced.I remember one day going home crying,and locked myself in my room and started crying my eyes out.I cutted myself,and so many other things.''

Selena looked at me with tears in her eyes.I kept thinking why is she crying? shouldn't it be me? ''You are crying you idiot'' I thought to myself interrupted by my own thoughts.She pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back.

''You are a very strong person Demi. I don't know what you did to overcome what you went through but keep doing it.I am proud to have met someone like you.If you ever fall through the cracks again,call me.'' She said.

''I write music.So its easy for me to forget my negative thoughts.And I will be sure to call you.Niall told me her liked me last night.'' 

''So you guys together?'' She said while smiling.

''No but ever since what happened, I'm scared to be anyone.What if I told him and he leaves just like my ex did?''

The bell rang for third period.Selena and I both stood up.I put arm into hers and started walking towards the entrance to the school.I am so happy she's my friend.On our way to the school,we talked about the little incident that happened earlier,we laughed and we ended up seeing Niall.He walked inside with us and I am glad he's here now.


 Finally the day was done and I was heading home.While I was walking in the parking lot of the school with Selena,I heard someone screaming my name.When we stopped and turned around it was Niall.He started running towards us.

''Hey,Do you mind if I steal her for a minute?'' He said while looking at Selena.She nodded her head and waited for me in her car.

''What's wrong?'' 

''Nothing.I saw you at lunch with Selena and I just wanted to know if you were okay.'' 

''Yeah My stomach was hurting badly.Good thing she had an advil.'' I said while letting out a little giggle.

''Oh,thats good.Well I was wondering if you wanted to catch a movie with me on Friday?'' 

''It's gonna be our spot where we always end up talking to each other?''

''I guess so but how about that movie?''

''I would love too.'' I replied.

Selena kept honking and I knew I had to wrap things up with Niall.I started walking to Selena's car but Niall screamed my name again.I turned around wondered ''what do you want now?''.He walked towards me and gave me a hug.His hugs were so warm and you could hear his heart beat.When he pulled back,he looked at me smiling.I told him goodbye and ran to Selena's car.When I got in,she wouldn't shut up about Niall.


When Selena pulled up infront of my house,I thanked her for the ride and told her I would call her later.When I got inside,I heard screaming and yelling coming from my mom's room.I walked up the stairs slowly,hoping they wouldn't hear me.

''She's still our daughter.No matter how she acts,that's who she is.It wasn't right for you to go in her room and read her messages with her friend.'' My mom said.

''Why didn't you tell me she kicked out of her old school because of fighting and what she did? And your right,she is our daughter but you two are so much alike.''

''What do you want me to do? Make her leave this school again? she made new friends.She left Ariana behind already I don't want that to happen again.'' My mom replied.

How can my dad do this? He invaded my personal space.I can't believe her doesn't trust.I walked the couple of steps and went into my room and slammed the door.I was so upset.I decided to call Niall.I just need someone to talk too.

Love me or Hate me A Demi and Niall Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now