Chapter 1

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Demi's POV:

I don't get it why I need school.Half of the girls I knew or thought I knew dropped out anyways.Making me go to a different one is not gonna change me.Why can't my stuck up parents realize that and all of this is because of them. I am the way I am because of their divorce.Making me leave my one and only friend,Ariana, was one thing,but making me come to LA is another.

My new school has no dress code so it makes it even harder to find something to wear.All of my clothes are so formal and casual while everyone in LA has all the latest new trends.Why did I have to have my mom's genes? We litterally have the same style of clothes,half of my moms friends thinks we could be twins.

I spent half the morning trying to pick out something to wear.I glanced at the clock and realized that I only have 15 minutes to find something to wear.

'Honey is everything okay in there?' I didn't bother answering her because I wanted her to know i'm still angry at her and dad.When you're a kid,all you ever want is for you're parents to live happily ever after just like in movies.I felt crushed the day my sister and I found out that my mom signed the divorced papers.Some parts of my thought it was all just a big nightmare,but sadly,it was real.


My mom had to drive me to school this morning which was sorta embarrassing for me.Normally,when you become sixteen,the first thing people will ask you is ''Do you have a car?'' I don't want to go to every morning with my mom.I went to go and take a driving test last month and I passed but my mom took away my driving license's because we had an argument over something so stupid.

We were in the car and my favorite songs came on the radio.I started singing along to it which made my mom laugh.I turned my head and looked at her,mesmerized.I have never heard my mom laugh ever since her divorce.

I'm not afraid,to take a stand.Everybody,come take my hand.We'll walk this road together,through the storm,whatever weather,cold or warm.Then you know that,you're not alone.Holla if you feel liek you've been the same road.

This is one of the best car rides I've had in awhile now.I looked at the window and here we were.My new school.My mom took my hand which made me turn to her smiling.I gave her a hug then walked out the car.I started walking towards the school entrance.I walked inside and down the hall trying to find the office.While I was walking,some random dude bumped into me.

He has blonde hair and blue eyes that remind me of the ocean.He bent down,picked up my books and couldn't stop starring at me.His buddies were a few inches away and It almost feels like I heard kissy noises which snapped me out of my daydream.

''I am so sorry about bumping into you.I watch a lot of movies and I decided why not try that to a pretty girl.''

''Cute but if you don't mind,I have to go.'' Once again,I was looking into his blue ocean eyes.

''Wait.I'm Niall by the way.'' He took out his hand but I don't think he realizes that I am not in the best mood to be socializing right now.

''I'm sorry but I do not give me name out to strangers.'' I walked right past him and heard his guy friends say ''Ouuhh'' like if a fight was happening.I felt his eyes sinking into my soul but I didn't even bother turning around.

Love me or Hate me A Demi and Niall Fan FicKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat