2- A Fresh Start

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A/N Enjoy this chapter where Ember meets many different people (:

Just apologizing in advance; some people complain that this chapter Ember is acting too calm to the situation. I am sorry XD I wish i could change it, but i can't anymore. Regardless of what i have just said, enjoy this~

"Ember!" Sam's expectant voice bellowed from bellow. I ran downstairs, trying to avoid eye contact with grumpy Omar.

"Yes?" I hollered from the stairs, brushing my jet black hair from my eyes. 

"Food!" My stomach suddenly flipped and I was pretty sure I've never felt hungrier when he spoke. I walked slowly into the kitchen and examined its amazing architecture. The walls were painted a gingerbread brown. The stools were a dark crimson. I took a glance at Sam's bright face and thanked God for what I was given. As I took a seat on a cushy, red stool, Sam apologized for Omar.

"Ember," he started, flipping a pancake. I examined him thoroughly as he did this. I watched the pancake sizzle on the metal frying pan. 

"Yes?" I asked taking a bite of pasta. The pasta's flavor rushed through me and I sighed in satisfaction. I munched on the scrumptious pasta and closed my eyes in delight, tyring to savor every bite. 

"You will have a placement test for school tomorrow." School?

A mixed medley of emotions flowed through me. First I felt excited then fearful. I didn't know anyone. I didn't know anything about the school. My stomach churned and anxiety took over me. I tried to hide my fear witha  confident clearing of the throat.

I didn't know what else to say rather than, "Thank you". Was I possibly going to Omar's school?

"Hey, hey, you wanna go shopping with me tomorrow?" Cherish tugged on my dress. She looked extravagant in her pink jacket and shoes. Almost like a Barbie doll. I couldn't help but smile at her appearence. I looked up at Sam for permission. 

"Yes, yes, it would be a great opportunity to bond. Besides, you need the clothes." Sam smiled meekly.

"But, I have no money," I whispered, lowering my head in embarrassment. My cheeks instantly flushed.

"Don't worry about the cost; you can pay me back when we straighten things out, okay?" Sam smiled as I took a bite. I exmained his amicable eyes. My eyes watered at his kindness.  

"You have no idea how much this means to me," I smiled whole-heartedly. "What time is it?" I asked looking outside the window. I examined the vivid, green grass as it sway in the summer wind. Summer was reaching its end and even I could could tell. I watched as a decayed leaf fell to the grass. I smiled at the beauty of nature.

I rose to wash the dishes when he said, "Six." Why did that word sound so familiar to me? Oh, yes. I had to go to a therapist every, Monday, was it? How would therapy be? What kind of questions would they ask me? Another wave of apprehension rushed over me and left me pale. I gulped.

"Sam," I said turning the faucet off and shaking my wet, soapy hands.

"Yes?" he answered, looking over to me with a soft smile. I examined his bright eyes before continuing.

"The officer who was questioning me said that I have to go to therapy every Monday at six p.m."

"Well, Mason is known for helping people out. Ever since his family's passed away, he's been trying to do better for the world."

"That's an inspiring sad story," I simpered, leaving the brown kitchen and skipping a few stairs on my way to my blue, bright room.

"Hey, do me a favor and call Omar for dinner!" Sam yelled from the distant kitchen. 

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