2. Mundane's

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Theya POV:

"Was that me or was that like.." Alec began but I cut him off.

"Like she saw!" I cut him off as I realised what had happened, a mundane had seen us.

"I don't understand!" Isabelle said, just as confused as me and Alec but Jace was completely silent.

He just looked to where the girl was as though he knew what was happening yet was completely confused and had no idea, all at the same time. A hurricane of emotion.  

"Well there is nothing we can do now. She took off like a flash!" Alec pointed out, seeming not to care now that 30 seconds have passed.

"Oh well then." I sighed. Me, Alec and Isabelle all turned around and began to leave.

"Jace, you coming?" I asked. Jace didn't move, didn't turn, it was as though he didn't hear me.

"Jace!" Alec said rather aggressively so that he could snap him out of his mundane induced trance.

Jace didn't reply, he simply just turned around reluctantly.


When we got back to the institute Jace was on about finding the mundane. He claimed that she must be at least part shadow hunter or an extremely powerful downworlder to  be able to see through our glamour runes.

"I'm going to find Hodge." Jace said.

"Why? What's the point?" I asked him.

"Why? Not! She could be one of us. If she is, then she has the right to know!" Jace argued. Izzy and Alec both noticed this was one that any of us could win.

"Because it makes no sense Jace!" I shouted, becoming agitated by his sudden obsession with some girl that he didn't even see properly. "What are you going to do? Find someone like this, either they are a  shadow hunter and we would  have the problem of training and explaining everything to them or they were seriously powerful downworlder and we would have to violate the accords to protect humanity from her, from it!"

"We are a dying race Theya! Some of us has try and save us. We need every shadow hunter we can find!" Jace said sternly.  

I backed off, "I hope you realise what your risking." I sighed before leaving the hallway and going to my rom.

I sat in my room for a while. I knew Jace had gone and I knew he left alone. I watched him from the window, watched him walk away.

There was a knock at my door.

"Come in." I responded. I expected to see Izzy but instead Alec walked in.

"Want to talk about it?" He asked sarcastically.

I looked at him and giggled slightly. "How did you know?" I asked him in the same sarcastic tone that he began the conversation with.

Alec came and sat on my bed as I moved over. He sat up against the headboard while I leaned on his chest. Alec was  mean but he was loving all at once. He is like a brother to me. Always there, always going to be.

 I knew I could talk to him about anything and he could me. I sometimes felt sorry for him. It was so clear to everyone that he was in love with Jace, but Jace was clueless. Of course me and Izzy don't have a problem with who he is, we love him all the same but the clave do! I wish there was something we could do to change that for him, but there isn't. 

"So, what was all that about with Jace?" Alec asked me.

I exhaled loudly. "Fear." I answered in one word.

Alec looked shocked. "What do you have to fear?"

"Losing you guys. When I came here I was alone, dying. Everyone I cared about gone from my life. But that didn't stop you, none of you! By taking me in and training me to be as good as you guys was what made me a shadow hunter, I don't believe you can be born one. Not anymore. You, Jace, Izzy and Hodge are all that I have and any threat to you guys, like this girl. Its to scary to even comprehend!" I explained.

"I promise you Theya! You will never lose us!" Alec said. I smiled to him and he pulled me into a hug.

Suddenly my bedroom door burst open and Jace came in, followed by a boy and the girl from the club.

"Well this looks cosy!" Jace giggled as he entered, seeing my and Alec. Clearly forgetting what he burst into the room for.

"Jace!" Alec said as he entered into conversation with him, clearly annoyed that he came bursting into the room during one of our rare but special heart to hearts.

"Right, yeah! I was right. There is something going on with Clary." Jace exclaimed.

"Jace, by the Clary do you mean the girl from the club?" I asked as I looked to the girl behind him who was being held up slightly by her friend, another mundane!

"Yeah." He answered.

"The one behind you?"

"Jesus Theya! Yes the one behind me along with her mundane friend Simon, that one was impulsive!" Jace snapped.

"Yeah well, your shadow hunter want to be is currently being held up by the impulsive mundane! She doesn't look too good!" I pointed out as Clary fell to the floor.

Jace was quickly by her side and me and Alec went to see what we could do for her too.

"Is this the part were you tear up your clothes to bind my wounds?" She asked, barely conscious.

"If you wanted me to take my clothes off you should have just asked!" Jace smirked. Then I noticed the biggest problem yet, the four person, three way love triangle. Simon and Clary, Jace and Clary, Alec and Jace. It was here I knew I was in for a long ride!

"Its a demon bite!" I exclaimed as we looked at her forearm.

Mortal Instruments , City of Bones  Another Shadow Hunters Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن