Chapter 2

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     The next few days or maybe weeks blurred together. While Rachel mourned I tried to stay strong for her, not letting her see the despair and fear consuming my thoughts. 

     After many days of barely eating and almost no sleep I had to snap her out of it, because I knew that darker times were ahead for us.  We needed to work together and come up with a plan.  Trying my best to distract her, I started organizing ways to make money to buy food and water.  She knew what I was doing but went along with it anyway. 

     Over the weekend we cleaned the apartment the best we could. The furniture was still broken but we put cushions on the floor and sat on those.  As we cleaned the apartment we brought out all the food and separated it into piles. We had canned food, dried food, perishable food, frozen food, pantry items, and fruits that could be left out of the fridge. Rachel and I made up lists for what to eat when rationing of the perishable food first so as not to waste.  Next we set about collecting all the money left around the house. Gathering all of it the total came to $230.87.  Even though it seemed like a lot at the moment we would have to make it last for who knew how long.

     "Do you want to do the shopping or cleaning this week?" Rachel asked me through a mouth full of apple.

     It had been a month and a half since the attack and we had organized ourselves and created a smoothly running system.  The Smoke had continued to spread.  The streets had became more and more dangerous with people who couldn't handle the mystery of the Smoke, but through our grieving we were able to find purpose and have a goal.  Our goal, a simple one at that, is to stay alive until the next day.

     "I'll take shopping since I cleaned last week." I replied to her.  I always worry about her when she goes out alone. We can't go together because leaving a home unattended led to losing it.

     "Okay, but you have to promise to get ice cream. We haven't had ice cream in ages." She emphasized, giving me her most dramatic voice.

     "I promise, but only if there is enough money. While I am out, I will see if anyone could use any work, to see if I can earn some more money."  I told her as I walked out the door.

     Once I reached the main road, it was a short walk to the grocery store.

     Walking through the sliding glass doors, I travel over to the canned foods section, picking out some beans, soups, fruits, and veggies.  I hurry over to the aisles containing noddles, hoping there are still some in stock. I let out a relieved sigh when I spot them next to the cleaned out shelves of mac n' cheese. Grabbing as many boxes as I have money for, I drop them in the cart beside the canned food.  I pick up an ice cream pail and a loaf of bread on my way to the check out. 

     Once at the check out I unload all of my items, pay, and walk out.  On my way home I see the usual street gangs and people hiding in the shadows. Keeping close to walls and ducking through allies I come to the main road. It is then that I notice a figure slinking in the shadows behind me. I whip around to confront the stranger, ready for a fight. I see then that it isn't a street thug or a gang member, it's just a little boy with a round dirty face. He looks no older than eight.  Crouching down, I ask him his name.

     He replies in a small quiet voice. "My name is Lucas."

     "Hi Lucas my name is May." I say to him as softley as I can so as not to scare him.  "What are you doing out here all alone, where are your parents?"

     "Scary men came into our house and took them away.  Mommy had heard them and locked me in my room." At that point his eyes start to water and tears flow down his face.

     "How long ago was this, how long have you been on your own?" I ask him, scared of the answer.

     "Five days," He replies, "a nice lady gave me a cookie and an apple, but I am still hungry.  I was going to ask you if you had any food to spare."

     "Yes of course," I speak so suddenly it make the little boy jump.  "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you.  Here have some bread." I break off a large piece and hand it to him.

     He takes it hesitantly at first then he eats it as fast as his little mouth can chew.  After he finishs it he thanks me and starts walking away.

     My heart broke to see such a young boy all on his own in this broken world. "Wait a minute," I call after him.

     He turns and looks at me with his big brown eyes.

     "You can stay with my friend and me," I knew offering him a home was the best thing I could do. When I was all alone that was all I had wanted.

     When he heard what I had said he turns around and races at me. Reaching me he wraps his arms around me in a hug.  That was all he had wanted since his parents were taken.

     Upon returning home I give Lucas a towel and send him to the bathroom to wash up.

     "Who is he and what is he doing here?" Rachel asks me nervously.

     "His parents were taken and he has been all alone for days. I figure we can help him.  He is in the same boat we are, but he is too young to look after himself for much longer." I plead with her.

     "Okay, okay, listen you had me at his parents were taken. I just wanted to make sure he isn't part of a gang or something.  They have young members sometimes."  She replies quickly.

     "Thanks!  There is also strength in numbers.  He can help out around the house and we can make him a bed on the couch.  The couch is comfortable enough for a bed.  At least what is left of the couch.  Also we will have to re-ration the food but that wouldn't be to hard and we have plen-."

     "Slow down," Rachel said, cutting me off.  "Let's just start with getting him fresh clothes.  We can adjust my dad's clothes to fit him, we can also make him some PJ's out of some of my dad's old pajamas."

     While Lucas finishes taking a bath we trim and shorten the clothes. We have to adjust without measurements, but we made them a bit bigger than we think he is just in case.

     When Lucas is done he yells out to us and we leave his new clothes outside the bathroom door.  We wait in the living room while he he dries off and changes into the new clothing.

     He walks into the room with a big smile on his face, proud of his new clothes.  Now that he is clean we get a better picture of what he looks like. He has long sandy colored hair, beautiful brown eyes that sparkled with childishness, he is thin, and is about four feet three inches tall. Lucas is so adorable in his clothes that are a tad too big, but he doesn't care. 

     Over the next week we fall into a routine. Lucas would stay with the person cleaning the apartment and help. Then when the person who was shopping came back they would take him into the back yard and play with him for a while. Then we would both go back to the apartment and would switch.  Then the other person would watch Lucas while the other looked for a way to earn a little extra cash.

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