YouTube Fame (chapter 4)

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YouTube Fame (chapter 4)

Amy's point of view:

Connor fished his iPhone out of his trouser pocket. I got a seat on his lap. It was a bit weird first because I haven't seen him for so long but it felt good.

He opened the YouTube app and searched 'the vamps'.

Connor tipped on the most recent video while putting his headphones into my ears and I listened to Brad saying:

"... so this is our cover of 'what about love' by Austin Mahone so hope you enjoy it."

It was dark but when the music started, the lights went on and I saw Tris playing the drums.

Aww how cute. Connor was playing the Ukulele.

Brad started singing and it was just so perfect. His voice was amazing.

Everyone was looking at me with a curious face. But the only thing I could say was "WOW!!"

I just met so talented boys and one of them had been my soul mate since I am able to remember.

Aria took pictures with every single guy and I got Connor's phone number. Then we had to go because the 2 hours were over.

We had so much fun with those guys, that we haven't even realised that the sun had already set.

We were running to our venue and Aria was screaming to Emma from far away:

"I'm the luckiest girl ever!! I just met The Vamps!"

Maybe she was not the luckiest girl, I thought, maybe I was.

All the other girls admired the photos on her phone. Why did everyone know The Vamps except me?


- 3 hours later -

It was time to sleep but I couldn't I had to think about Connor all the time.

All those memories came back the whole evening.

I unlocked my phone and then wrote a message to him:

Amy: what's up?

Con: it shoud be sleeping honey. I'm tired.

Amy: me too but I can't sleep... remeber this stormy day in april?

Con: so well arielle ♡

Amy: aww now I can sleep because I know I'm not the only one of us in memories :)

Con: haha good night my mermaid.

And Amy began to remember...

It was stormy outside. Little Connor and little Amanda were sitting on the couch, watching the little mermaid, while cuddling together.The satisfaction and peace in both of their faces was just so unique and no one, ever could be able to take it away from those cute, little children. Amanda was very excited. She wanted to be a mermaid and told that Connor. He gave her a kiss on the forhead because he had seen his cousin doing this to his girlfriend and answered: 'I have an idea.' He took their raincoats out of the wardrobe and also an airpump. Little Connor asked his daddy to inflate the swimming pool in the garden. Connor then grabbed a ribbon and scissors out of his mom's desk. Amanda waited patiently. Finally Connor bound the ribbon around her legs and his father carried her to the pool. She really felt like a mermaid in it and knew, she'd remember that feeling, on sad days in the future.


Do you want me to add more flashbacks? I think this was way cute and it is good for the story ♡ tell me your opinion!

And thanks for all the votes, it's amazing. Please comment what you think so far, that really helps :) x

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