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Tears and fear, they were the first thing she noticed she was feeling. Tears strolled down her porcelain cheeks, then becoming one with the salty water above and beyond her. She doesn't bother to wipe them away, though. Because they just gravitate back to water, and become one.

She swims in a pool of her own tears, forever to wander alone. She continues to swim to gather herself quickly away from the danger before her, she pushes herself forward, the black lace ends of her dress flowed upwards, like a wedding tailcoat. Her feet meet the sandy ground at a halt to see a green blooming flower.

The flower is a beautiful evergreen, shining an effect from the clear sea. Her breath stops in her throat, her eyes focused on the beautiful plant. Her tears continue to evaporate into the water as she picks the beautiful plant. As she picks it, the spot of where it was spouts bubbles.

She brings the flower close to her lips as the petals dive into water squiggles along its petals. She mumbles a wish, remembering it being a wish flower. Her mouth dances along it as she whispers. "I wish to never be alone-for someone to find me, and love me for who I am." She let's go of the flower only to continue holding It in her hands.

Her hands tremble from the fear that the sharks would come again to only bully her into their teeth. She quickly moved to her cove, the place she found herself when she was born. She slept on the bed covered in seashells of diversity and a soft blanket that had been tossed away. She planted it in her black chest in the corner with a jar and water stashed.

"Please." She whispers into the cold air of the ocean, as she cries herself to sleep once again.

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