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I said my goodbye to Trip and he handed me a letter and told me only to open it when I was feeling sad. I thanked him packed my things and headed to the loading bay. I was stopped at the door by Coulson.
"Agent Jackson, I'm sorry about your name." I looked at him skeptically.
"I tried so hard to leave that behind, I don't even know how you guys find out my name."
"S.H.I.E.L.D. knows everything, and I was following Fury's orders." I became suspicious. How much did S.H.I.E.L.D. know about me? I walked into the loading bay with these thoughts on my mind and was startled when I walked into Ward and nearly fell over, luckily he caught me. 
"Sorry, I've got a lot on my mind." I mumbled. I started to walk again and nearly crashed into a wall. 
"Hey, give me your hand." Ward holds his hand out with a concerned look on his face. I sigh and put my hand in his. He leads me to the quinjet and we take off.

"Caly, can we talk? You haven't said a word since we got on the jet." I looked at him. I was being selfish we should be happy, this is what all members in the Avengers Facility work towards. Even just an opportunity to work with the big 6.
"Sure." I put on a smile, I am strong enough to suck kit up, as long as I don't screw up from now on I won't have to deal with the fact that everyone knows my name. That thought made me feel better.
"I think we should start clear with the Avengers, no secrets between us. Not anymore. My childhood, isn't quite how I mentioned it. My family is still alive, they weren't very nice abusive you could say." I was shocked.
"Oh. Grant, I'm so sorry, I-"He interrupted me.

"Stop, it's in the past, I'm not there anymore. I'm here, with you." He gave me a small smile that turned my stomach to butterflies.

"How did you get away?" I asked curious.

"Sort of like you actually, I ran." He laughed halfheartedly.

"Okay, your turn, What happened the night that I found you?"I wasn't ready for his question, but I knew I had to answer it. I took a deep breath.
"Okay, it was my Birthday, I had spent the whole day working in the orphanage again. I did my training classes, did ballet. As it was my birthday they let me and a friend out side for an hour at night. The moon was out, a full moon. It was the first time I shifted. It was so painful, but Ester, she was too close, she got hurt bad. I felt horrible. I stayed outside waiting to hear if she was okay, but she wasn't they said she was dead. I ran, I ran from everything ignoring all the tripwires that set off alarms. They would know I was gone, but I didn't care. I ran and ran until my wolf couldn't breathe, then I spent hours trying to shift back to human, I was afraid I'd stay like that forever. But I didn't and I saw you."I looked down. I made it, I managed to tell my story without crumbling. 

"I'm glad that we are all clear, and that we're in this together." He smiled and squeezed my hand. The butterflies returned, I needed to push them away, I have to focus on my training. Or did I? I made to the Avengers, my goal. Maybe I can give this feeling a little more attention now.
"Umm, Grant? Just so we're completely secret free, I get this feeling when you're around me, butterflies in my stomach and sometimes it's confusing. You're a distracting person." I blushed. He smiled at me. It's silent for a while, I will him to say something but he just keeps grinning at me.
"Say something." I pleaded. 

"It's funny, I thought I was the only one. Maybe we should go out, or something?" Now he's blushing.
"You mean like dating?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah." He said nervously. My heart skips a beat.
"Sure." I say my head in the clouds.

We spent the rest of the trip talking about how exciting this opportunity is. How awesome it is that we get to join the Avenger's even if it's just for a week or two. I also made a mental note to keep in touch with Trip.

"He's going to be so lonely without us." I said at one point. Eventually we landed on the Stark tower. It was such a beautiful sight. The view from the top was breath taking. As we arrived we were greeted by Jarvis and sent to the common room.

"Welcome new recruits. Congrats on winning your chance to show us how lame or awesome you are. I am Stark, Tony Stark." Stark puffed up his chest.
"Calm down there, Stark. I'm Steve Rogers." He shakes our hands.
"I'm Bruce Banner."
"And I'm Clint Barton." Clint narrowing his eyes.

"I'm Agent Grant Ward and this here is Agent Calyn Jackson." I nodded my head.
"Jessica?" Someone from the corner, yet to introduce herself to us called my name.

"How-" The Avengers were looking at me.
"She can't be." Clint said. I was so confused. The girl in the corner stepped out of the shadows and I gasped dropping my bags.

"Ester? But, you're... no." I was overwhelmed. I couldn't believe it. I thought I'd killed my best friend after  all these years but no, she was alive. I ran up to her and hugged.

"I'm so sorry." I apologized over and over again.
"What are you sorry for?" Ester asked looking confused as I let her go.
"For hurting you." Now I was confused.

"What? You never hurt me. That was your blood." She laughed.
"But they said you were dead." I was still in shock.
"No, that was my cover for you. They thought you were dead." I hugged her again.

"Oh thank you so much, I'm so sorry I left, if I had of known you were still alive I would have back for you. I've missed you Ester." I gave her a sad smile.
"I go by Natasha Romanoff now."

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