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I heard the dinner bell so I went to the mess hall but my stupid administrator caught me.

" time to meet your partner " he said

" no I want food "

" nope time to meet em "

" well you weren't very clear so I can't understand what I have to do "

" hope that is what the meeting is for "

We walked down a long corridor and went into a room .
There stood a boy my heart fell I thought it was a girl I sat down waiting for his administrator finally he walked in.

" hello hope hello Zeke "

I looked at him " Hi Josh " I said he was my dad's best friend

" so I guess little hope is ready to go on her first co-op mission huh Zeke"

" Yes so how is Chris is he gonna be here be brave" said Zeke my administrator

" of course he is older than hope he's nine "

" wow a three year gap so impressing"

They continued arguing I got bored and I didn't know what to do on my mission so I grabbed the papers and went over to talk to Chris and we read through the mission and afterward there still fighting .

" there's five minutes till the mess hall closes wanna eat something" I said to Chris

" Sure you seem nice "

We walked out of there and got to the mess hall got sandwich's and talked turns out he's a orphan to. " Norway should be fun"

" If we don't die "

" Yeah "

"I gotta go see ya"

"Bye" I said in almost a whisper I walked to my bunk and started reading well if you call looking at a picture my bunk mate Mitten was listening to music loudly its not like I can say turn it down so she's thirteen don't ask me why they put a five year old with a thirteen year old so I went into the closet to get earplugs and she locked the door let me put the for the record I have a little surprise in her make up hehe I am so evil I just need sleep yeah that will help me try not to kill her though it might not.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2016 ⏰

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