"Come to Oklahoma with me I really can't wait to give you your surprise. I've been planning it since before Christmas." He softly whispered into her ear still standing in from of the door with her in his arms. "Of course I will, I hate being apart from you." Gwen looked at him with sweet hazel eyes glazed with tears. "Can't you just tell me what who she is? The surprise is obviously a living thing am I right? I know I'm right." With a wink she jumped down turning to run upstairs to grab her already packed bag. Gwen came back down in a fresh change of clothes, bag in hand with her huge smile that made him melt. "There's that gorgeous smile." He smiled as he walked over to take her bag to carrying it outside to the awaiting vehicle to that'll take them to the airport. "Make sure you've got everything I'll take your bags out to the car, meet me out there when you're done." He kissed her softly yet tenderly. She made sure she had everything before headed outside making sure to lock the door behind her. She strutted to the car in her new red six inch pumps she got for Christmas which she had yet to wear deciding today was the say to break them out.

Gwen climbed in the SUV sliding in next to Blake, "You got everything, Sunshine?" making sure not wanting to leave until he was sure. Gwen looked at him with a sweet smile that was only for him, "I have everything right here." Without taking her eyes off of his she took his hand in hers as she rested her head on his shoulder the whole right to the airport.

As they pulled up to the airport they were about to get out when Gwen stopped him, "I just worry about you, Okay? I love you Blake I've given you my heart which terrifies me that I could lose you." Gwen hitched in her breathe as she finished speaking. "I needed to say that. We can get out now." Blake didn't say a word he nodded helping her out of the car walking all the way to the plane holding each other's hands as she walked up the stairs he spoke," Ms Stefani, I hope you realise I'm always going to be around? I'm planning on making me my life's commitment to making you and yours boys happy. Just for the record I kind of might like you a lot too." Blake smirked when he seen Gwen give him a playful glare. "Hurry up, Cowboy before I go by myself and find this surprise without you." Making him gasped, "I knew that's the only reason you were coming. I must say I'm a little hurt." He followed her as her giggles echoed through the plane.

Just after they'd taken off Blake whispered something sweet and meaningful into her ear out of hearing range of everybody else, "You're the highlight of my day." It made Gwen blush as she let out a little giggle. "Baby..." Gwen placed a tender kiss to his lips. "You gave me reason to live, I'll never take that for granted. I know I do stupid shit sometimes like texting when I drive which I'd never do with you or the kids in the car just myself. Honey, you saved me from the dark whole that I was heading for. I love you, Gwen Renee Stefani and I'll love you until my last breathe and beyond." Gwen's eyes had tears ready to escape this time they were full of love, happiness and all things joyful.

"Babe, you say I saved you but we saved each other." She moved closer practically sitting in his lap, not that he minded he quite liked it when Gwen was sitting on his lap, They kissed not caring who was around them at this moment to them it was only the two of them.

The nearly 4 hour plane around went relatively fast especially the whole time the pair was smooching on each other, Oh love. They fell in love faster than they both ever have neither of them regret it one bit. Gwen stood up to stretch once the plane landed on the tar mat reaching out for Blake's hand happily took they walked off hand in hand Blake only letting go to get the bags from the attendant, Gwen hoped into the passenger seat watching as Blake jumped into the driver's side once he started the car he captured her hand In his the drive to his house they talked about the next few months how exciting it's going to be with both their new albums coming out, news singles from both as well as the Grammys with Blake being nominated and Gwen being a surprise performer...which was yet to be officially announced. "I am excited" Gwen expressed while sending him major heart eyes as he drove. When they pulled the drive way Gwen noticed a new horse in the paddock, "You got a new Stallion?' it sound more of a confusion then a question. "His name is Roland he's my sisters horse I'm minding him for her while she's away." He pulled into the garage putting the car in park then he turned off the ignition. "While we are outside I was thinking why not give you your surprise since we don't have anywhere to be or anything to do maybe this will give us some ideas." He smirked as he got out waiting for her at the rear of the vehicle learning angst the boot. "So where would this surprise be? You're not going to make me play some guessing game are you?" He put on a thinking face causing her to grown, "no, baby come with me." Taking her hand while they walked over to the barn.

"It's in the barn?' She kept asking questions Blake refused to answer. "Wait right here" He left her standing just outside the barn while he went to get Halo ready to surprise Gwen. Gwen had been saying how she'd always wanted a horse of her own but living in California prevented that in more ways than one. Gwen heard clicking noises coming from inside the barn as she turned around she saw Blake walk out with this beautiful brown quarter horse decked out with a leopard print saddle know doubt he had personally made for her along with fringe all over. She was in so much shock she didn't know what to do or how to react she just cried and patted her horse. "Surprise Baby." Gwen looked up at Blake never did she imagine he'd buy her a horse of to call her own. "Oh, my Babe." Gwen walked over to Blake plastering him with kisses, "I..." She sniffled "Love..." She kissed him again "so damn much." She manage to get the last words out without her voice hitching. "I can't believe this. You brought me a horse." Gwen couldn't take her eyes off of Halo. "I knew how much you've always wanted a horse I got to thinking just before Christmas I've been planning and working around our schedules aswell as when it was your week without the kids to be able to bring you out hereto surprise you..."

Before he could finish Gwen threw her arms around his neck to kiss him passionately. "I'm going to name her Halo, It just seems perfect."Breaking the kiss only to tell him that. Halo neighed making both Gwen and Blake laugh as they separated from their kiss, "Aww Bunny Momma is coming." She kissed Halo on the cheek. "How about we go on a little romantic ride with Halo and Hammer? I still don't understand why you named him that." Both of them laughed about it. "Sounds perfect to me I wouldn't rather do anything else..."Gwen raised her eyebrow, "Well that's later." Blake smirked. Gwen laughed.

Blake went and saddled up Hammer riding him out to meet Gwen who was already up on Halo he was still amazed at how comfortable she was on a horse in the country he pulled up the reins next to her and Halo, " You ready my little cowgirl" with a wink she galloped away yelling back, "Come catch me cowboy." Blake laughed as he whispered, "God I love her." He really does.

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