Afterwards I called virgo with the suitcase I sat aside for this mission. Thanking her I sent I sent her and plue home while I got myself ready for bed. I grabbed my pajamas, washcloth, soap, shampoo, towel, and toothpaste and toothbrush and headed to the bathroom. I drew myself a bath when it was the right temperature and stopped the water. stripped out of my clothes and got in. The heat stung a little bit but I soon relaxed and started to clean myself. An hour later I came from the bath dressed and really tired you would think that i would be tired after sleeping most of the train ride but no I was just so exhausted. I used telepathy between me and my spirits to contact Horologium and tell him to wake me up at 6:30am. Then for the second time that day I drifted to sleep.

"Luce we all wanted to put lisanna on the team, but we think 5 is too many so we decided she could take your spot. This way you can train more so you're not so weak {echoes(weak) over and over again}, YOU'RE WEAK LUCY, Lisanna is BETTER and MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU, YOU'RE NOTHING that's why I LOVE HER and NOT you." Natsu says smiling again lisanna is trying to reassure me that i'm not weak and that I am strong but natsu is pulling her away from me and her assurance is drowned out by the vile words of my guild mates my once "nakama" I can't help but cry, because I know he is right I am weak, useless, I'm nothing. I question why i'm even in the guild. I look around and everyone is laughing at me, my friends who were there for me are no longer there I don't know where they went but I don't see them the crowd that is closing in on me telling me to leave that I don't belong, I'm not worthy of being in fairy tail, calling me a coward, a weakling. I rush through them tears falling from my face. I'm all alone again just like I was when I was a child after momma died. I have no one I continue crying and I can't stop the tears just keep coming and coming.

The scene changes and i'm not at the guild anymore I'm younger and i'm back at home with my dad. It's my birthday he doesn't remember or care.

"PAPA!!" i yell excitedly coming into his office "Guess what today is! GUESS GUESS it's a very special day" I continue yelling excitedly smiling while holding my favorite doll both my parents got me when momma was still alive.

"Child can't you see i'm busy, I don't have time for your silly nonsense today now leave my office so I can get back so business." He forgot he forgot it was my birthday. I felt tears gathering in my eyes as I ran out of his office and into my room to hide for the rest of the day hugging Michelle close to me as the tears fell down my face.

I woke up crying looking around me to see where I was, noticing i wasn't in my room I started to panic a little then yesterday's events started coming back to me. It was 5:47am when I finally got up it was earlier than I thought it was. "No need for the alarm from Horologium now, since my dreams and nightmares wake me up before hand" I sighed and got up to get ready for the day.

After I got myself together, up, and dressed I decided to grab a quick breakfast at one of the nearest restaurant.

"I'll have Strawberry Waffles and a side of eggs with a French Vanilla Iced Coffee please" I told the waiting waiter (A/N: Get it the waiting waiter because they're waiting to wait on you? Get it? Okay that's enough my my bad/terrible jokes back to the story) as I handed her the menu and smiled at her. Then proceeded to wait for my food, when it arrived I ate it all rather quickly because I didn't want to be late.

Time skip after the Mayor's Office

Laying on top of a roof of a random looking building searching for anything suspicious in the small happy town. Unluckily for me nothing happened until 4 hours later. Seeing it was already 1pm the talk with the mayor had gone a little longer than necessary. 5 men wearing all black walked into different directions but all headed in the same place.

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