Chapter 7: Confrontations

Start from the beginning

I still hadn't decided what to do about telling Caleb about Madison. I kept changing my mind, thinking of reasons to tell him and then thinking of reasons not to. I was driving myself insane. 

I had just decided for the 10th time in ten minutes that I would not tell him and pretend I didn't see a thing when something hard flew into my head, knocking me to the ground. 

"Fuck!" I screamed as I grabbed my aching head. "What the hell?"

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice yelling from behind me as he ran closer. "I am so, so sorry, my brother is still learning how to aim properly"

Dylan knelt down beside me before he realized it was me. 

"Ali? Shit, I am so sorry, are you okay?" 

I looked up at him, into those amazing eyes that were sheer panic right now. "Ali?"

"What? Yeah - yeah, I am okay" 

Dylan stood and offered a hand to help me up. I took it and he hoisted myself up. 

Now that we were standing and the head was rushing to my brain again, the spot where I was hit started to pound. "What the hell hit me?" 

He looked at my seriously for a moment before brushing my hand away and touching the tender spot on my head. 

"A frisbee, does this hurt?" He touched the spot and I winced. "I'll take that as a yes"

"Yeah, a little" I looked over in the direction the frisbee came and saw Dylan's two younger brother's waiting for Dylan to return with their toy. 

"You can go back, I'm good" I tell him. 

"No way, I am not letting you walk home alone after a head injury. What if you pass out and hit your head and die?!" He says with sarcasm. 

I look back at him and he is wearing that goofy yet so fucking adorable lopsided smile. "That is a little dramatic, don't you think?" I smile back nervously, realizing just how close we are to each other. There can't be more than 6 inches between us, and he hand is still resting on my forehead where there was probably a big lump starting to form from the impact of the frisbee. 

"No, it's smart" He smiles. "Hey Justin, take Mike home and tell mom I am going to Caleb's house" He threw them back the frisbee. The boys agreed and started the short walk back to his house. 

"You really like walking me home, don't you?" I embowed him a little. 

"Just gotta make sure you are safe, besides Caleb would kill me if I  didn't make sure you got back okay after nearly killing you" He joked. 

"Yeah right, Caleb wouldn't care if I never came home again" I say quietly, hoping he didn't hear me. 

"What are you talking about, of course he would" Dylan looks at me confused

"Not after last night, he wouldn't"

"Caleb is just confused..." He rubs the back of his neck, "I mean, I think we all are. You never drink, and then you blew up on Madison for seemingly no reason -"

"I had a reason" I say defensively. 

"Okay, well all I am saying is that I have known you a long time and you never really get drunk and out of control like that..."

I was quiet for a while, thinking about if I should tell Dylan why I was upset. Maybe he could tell me what to do, to tell Caleb or not. Maybe he could help me. I look over at him and look at his strong jawline, his furrowed brow- obviously deep in thought, and his perfect hair. 

"What are you thinking about?" I ask him before I knew the words came out of my mouth. 

"Nothing" He says quickly."So do you want to explain last night to me?"

I stop walking and we turn to face each other. He looks so sincere, and worried, and honestly I just need to get this off my chest. So I tell him, I tell him everything I heard and saw in the bathroom last night at the football game. 

By the time I am done he is staring at me with his mouth open. 

"So....should I tell him?"I ask. 


We start to walk again, slowly. At this rate I might get home tomorrow night, if I am lucky. 

"Dylan, did you hear me? Do I tell him?" I asked again

"I knew she was dumb, but not this fucking dumb" is all he has to say. Okay...... "I think you should tell him. As soon as we get back to your house, you should tell him". 

"I was afraid you were going to say that" I look down, suddenly not wanting to go home. "He is going to hate me"

Dylan grabs my hand and stops me, "No he won't, I will tell him with you". 

"Really?" Oh my God, Dylan is a saint. I don't have to do this alone. "But why? You don't have to.."

"I know, but you trusted me enough to tell me, so I want to help you"

"Thank you Dylan" I say as I give him a huge hug and look up at him. His eyes are on mine searching for something. His lips part and my eyes move down to them. They are perfect, how have I never noticed them before? Because you only think about Caleb's lips, you sicko

Before my mind can stop me I perch up on my tip toes and kiss Dylan on the lips quickly. I pull away, so embarrassed because I know you was only being nice. Shit, why did I have to ruin it? Now he definitely won't help me tell Caleb. 

I start to walk away but before I get even one step in I feel Dylan grab my elbow and pull me back to him, his mouth on mine in one quick motion. One hand on my lower back pulling my close, the other moving from my neck through my hair. 

The kiss is deep, and long and after what feels like hours, we finally pull apart - panting. 

"Holy shit" Dylan says

"sorry" I say quickly, he is probably regretting that. 

"I have been wanting to do that for months" He says eyeing me wildly. 


"Ever since Caleb and you moved to the same house - whenever I would come over you were always around. How could I not notice you, you're fucking gorgeous" He took a step closer to me smiling. 

"You never seemed to notice me at all!" I am shocked, he never really went out of his way to talk to me. 

"Because I was there to hang out with Caleb, and he wasn't really thrilled about you being his step-sister....I couldn't ditch my friend to hit on his new housemate could I?"

This made sense, but still, I am shocked. Dylan was always so nice to me, but never over the top and I sure as hell would never have guessed he had a crush on me. 

"Oh" was all I could say. Yes, I was that pathetic. 

He took a step closer, taking my hand in his. "So, you just kissed me, does that mean you're not disgusted by the idea of me and you?" 

Okay, this was seriously not  how I expected today to go. Like, at all. But at the same time I wasn't hating it. I liked Dylan , and he was a healthy crush, not like Caleb who is literally part of my family. Plus the sparks I felt when we kissed were unreal. I looked at him and then down at our entwined hands and then back up at him. 

"It doesn't make me want to throw up" 

"Oh wow, such a romantic aren't you?" He nudged me

"Can't let you think I am too easy" I winked

We arrived in front of my house a minute later and we were both laughing and still holding hands. We didn't even notice the figure sitting on the front porch watching us. 

"So, are you ready to tell him?" Dylan asks me, now a serious expression on his face. 

"Tell me what? That my best friend is fucking my sister?" 


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