Part 23

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I grab a banana from the kitchen and grab my skateboard. Hopefully I don't get stopped. I'm in a hurry today. I put my hat on and make sure the weather's fine. I start to skate past a park, and see an innocent little kid when my phone rings. I skate over to the park to take a break and sit on the park swings. As I answer the phone I see that the little kid is staring at me. I start to talk to dad. "Yes dad, I know. I'm sorry. I'll make sure to tell you next time, ok bye, love you." I hang up and put my phone in my pocket when a note drops from my pocket. It's a phone number! I look in my phone for this and realize it's an unknown number. I get and throw it into the trash like its nothing. I look around to find myself alone. I look At the time and start to panic, I need to get over to the gas station quick. I run with my skateboard and hop on. I make sure my hat doesn't fall over and feel odd. I look behind me and see a car. I pull over to let them pass but something seems wrong. They won't go around me. I just go onto the sidewalk so they can get fully around me. I hope that it is not too late. I ride as fast as possible to the 4 way, and try to stop, sadly, I fail......

I go tripping over a rock from the concrete and go flying. I fly off my skateboard onto the blacktop road. Because of my size, a car could not see me underneath them. They start to roll over me and I cringe in pain, I hear some of my bones cracking.

Adopted by Thomas SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now