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The past week has been pretty uneventful for the girls. Taylor has been cooking extra healthy meals for Karlie and not letting her splurge, which has gotten Karlie somewhat annoyed, but she knew Taylor was just looking out for her. The girls ended up picking out the perfect donor. He had brown hair, a similar shade to Karlie's when she was little, he had blue eyes, and he was a dancer, something Karlie really liked. Karlie had always loved dancing when she was younger, but never actually got into it all that much. Karlie loves that her future child would have dancing in their blood if they followed her passions that she never could.

The girls were on their lunch period, and they were spending it with Cara once again, filling her in on their donor and the fact that they were returning to the doctor after school to get both of their eggs extracted.

"So, why both of your eggs?" Cara asks. "Well, we wanted to have options. In case Karlie's eggs don't take, or in case mine don't. We want to have options. Then, if Karlie used my eggs, the child would have part of me, and be connected to Karlie and be part of her too, in a way." Taylor says, finishing her sandwich. She then takes out some cookies she had made a few days earlier and takes a bite. "Ugh, why can't I have just one?" Karlie complains, watching her girlfriend eat the cookie. "Because babe, you need to keep your body healthy. Cookies aren't healthy for you." Taylor says, taking another bite. "Tayylorr, stop teasing me. Can't I have just one bite? They aren't healthy for you either." Karlie pouts. "You're so cute when you pout. Fine, one bite baby." Taylor said, holding the cookie out to Karlie. Karlie takes the biggest bite she could and smirks at the teacher who just rolls her eyes with a smile. "You're unbelievable." Taylor laughs. "You love me." Karlie teases. "You got that right." Taylor says, pecking the girl's cheek.

"Oh, get a bloody room already." Cara groans. "Shut up, Car. We have a room, you're just in it." Karlie says, laughing at her friend.

• • •

"Hello ladies. Glad to see you back again. How are you both feeling?" Dr. Highland asks. "Pretty good. You know how hard it is to get her to eat healthy?" Taylor jokes, earning a playful hit to the arm from Karlie. "Hey! It's true, Kar. You wouldn't have eaten healthy if I didn't cook for you!" Taylor responds to the hit. "Fine. You win." Karlie says. "You're so stubborn." Taylor adds. "Alright girls. Karlie, if you're going to be carrying this baby, your body needs to stay healthy, and you need to eat healthy so the baby will be healthy." Luke says. "Okay, now, we are using both of your eggs, right?"

"Yes sir." Karlie answers. "Right, so, we are going to do them on separate days, so if there's any cramping or upset in either of your bodies, you can take care of each other. So, who wants to go first?" The doctor pauses for an answer. "I'll go first." Taylor offers. "You sure about that? I can if you want." Karlie asks. "No, it's fine babe. Don't worry about it." Taylor says. "Okay, Taylor, I'm going to need you to change into this gown for me and I'll go prepare everything. We already have the sperm from the donor, so everything is all set. I'll be back in a bit." The doctor says and leaves.

Taylor goes behind the curtain and begins to remove her clothes. She has her shirt off when Karlie sneaks behind the curtain. "Let me help you with that baby." Karlie says, kissing the teacher. They make out and soon enough Taylor is left bare. Karlie helps her put the gown on and ties it in the back for her. They share a few more kisses before there's a knock on the door. "All ready Taylor?" Luke asks from outside the door. "All ready." Taylor says, emerging from behind the curtain with Karlie following close behind. "Alright, we'll have to sedate you to do this, so, Karlie, you need to wait out in the waiting room. We'll send you back in when she's awake." Luke explains. Karlie nods. "You've got this baby. I'll be waiting for you, and I'll be right back here when you're done." Karlie says, leaning down to kiss Taylor. After breaking the kiss, Karlie heads out into the waiting room where she texts Cara to distract her from worrying.

About half an hour later, the doctor comes out to tell Karlie that Taylor is starting to wake up and asking for her. Karlie goes straight to the room and smiles softly seeing a tired looking Taylor looking back at her. "Hi baby. You did so good." Karlie says, kissing her. "I'm tired Kar. I wanna go home." Taylor grumbles sleepily. "I know, we'll go in a minute." Karlie says, holding her lover's hand. "Alright, Karlie. She may be sore for a few days, and there should be no sexual activity of any kind until the pain goes away. And she'll be tired for the rest of the day, so let her get all the rest she can get, it should help with the healing process, but the drowsiness should go away by tomorrow. Here are some pain meds to help with the pain." He says, handing the bottle of pills to her. "She should take one when she needs it, and only one for every 6 hours. No more than one in 6 hours, okay? And we'll see you in a few days to extract your eggs." Luke says before seeing them out and making an appointment for Karlie.

The girls head home and Karlie takes Taylor straight upstairs so she can get some rest. Taylor groans when Karlie sets her carefully on the bed and curls up into the blankets after Karlie tucks her in. "I'm going to spend time with Tori before I put her to bed. You just get some rest okay?" Karlie asks. Taylor just hums in reply, and quickly drifts to sleep. Karlie kisses Taylor's forehead and goes downstairs to play with Tori.

"Hey Toribug, what'cha doing?" Karlie asks, sitting next to the toddler who is building a simple, yet difficult for her, puzzle of a kitten and a puppy. "A puzzle." Tori answers, fixated on the pieces in front of her. "Want mommy to help?" Karlie offers, picking up a piece that has one of the kitten's eyes on it. "Yes please." Tori easily answers. Karlie attaches the piece where it belongs and picks up a few more pieces and attaches those to the puzzle as well. Soon after that, Tori is placing the last piece which is the puppy's tail. "Yay! Good job!" Karlie cheers, clapping her hands. This puzzle was for children 4 and up, and it was a lot more challenging for the young child, but Tori had said herself she wanted bigger puzzles. She had gotten bored of the four to six piece puzzles aimed at her age group, so Karlie decided to buy her harder ones, and loved seeing her daughter concentrate so hard on building the puzzle. She usually asks for help if she's getting frustrated, but that only lasted a week and she's become pretty good at these hard puzzles.

Karlie and Tori put a movie in, tonight's choice is Cinderella, and Tori's face lights up as she sees the dog in the movie. "Bear!" Tori yells, seeing the dog. "No sweetie, that's not Bear. This is a different doggie." Karlie explains. Tori just shrugs and continues watching the screen. An hour into the movie, Tori has fallen asleep. Karlie smiles and decides that she, too, would like some shut eye. She turns the tv off and picks up her daughter and carries her upstairs to her room, tucking her in bed. Before leaving the room she kisses the girl's head and turns on her nightlight. Karlie goes into her room with Taylor and washes her face and hands in the bathroom and brushes her teeth before going to the closet to change into pajamas. Once she's changed, she makes her way through the dark room to the bed, crawling in next to Taylor. The teacher senses the younger girl and immediately cuddles up to her, resting her head on Karlie's chest, her arms wrapped tight around Karlie and a hand wresting on the student's stomach. "I'm so proud of you Taylor, you did great today." Karlie says, kissing the teacher's temple. "I did it for you baby." Taylor says sleepily, rubbing Karlie's stomach. "I love you Taylor." Karlie says, connecting their lips. "I love you too Karlie." Taylor says, snuggling closer to the younger girl.

Okay, guys, I'm posting 22 now because I found out after pasting it here that it was done! So, now, I'll be working on chapter 23 for the next few days and giving everyone a chance to catch up. I'm not quite sure when 23 will be up, since I haven't started writing it, but I'll have it a goal to have it posted by Friday.

Also, what do you guys think so far? I'd really like some feedback on this story, since it's one of my favorite stories I've ever written. It would mean so much to me to hear from all of the readers on what you guys think, and opinions on what you'd like to see happen in the story. I've got things planned out, but I'd love to know if there's any certain things you guys would like to see in the story.

So please comment on this with your thoughts, thanks guys!

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