Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful summer day so I started to walk threw the wood's behind my house, but then I saw a boy. I walked to him he was covered in blood. Oh my are you alright, I asked him worriedly. I was hunting then I fell down a small hill then I woke up right here, He said. But why are u covered in blood, I ask. I have no clue why I have blood on me, He said confused. Come with me to my house and we'll get you cleaned up, I said with a smile. Alright, He said with a smile. 20 minutes later. Ok we're here my parents aren't home yet, but they won't mind if I have a friend over, I said. Im your friend even though we just met, and im covered in blood, He asked. Well sure you don't seem like a bad person, I say with a smile. He looks down thinking. Ok here is some of my brothers clothes he never wears them, I hand him a shirt and pants. The bathroom is down the hall on the left, I say pointing down the hall. Alright I'll be back in a moment, He says walking down the hall. I think to myself while I walk to get two cups from the shelf, he's not a bad guy I don't think. Hey these fit great, He says walking into the kitchen. Thats great oh you still have blood on your face, I say as I wipe it off with a washcloth. There that looks better. I say with a giggle. Hey I never got your name, He says. Oh im sorry it's Sarah, Whats your name? Oh its Jeremy, He says rubbing his head. Is there something wrong with your head, I ask worriedly. Oh it just hurts a little I probably hit my head on my rifle. Can I take a look, I ask. Sure go ahead. Oh my, I say as I grab three washcloths. Your head is cut. Oh its probably not that bad, He says. Stop moving im trying to clean the cut. Geez you like to move a lot, I say with a giggle. He just starts laughing. Thank you for helping me even though you hardly know me. Oh it's my pleasure I love to help people. I say as I fill the cups with water. Here drink up who knows how long you've been without water. Your a really nice person. Thank you, I say with a smile. He stairs at me while I drink my water. I think I should get home thank you for all your help. No problem have a good rest of the night. Thanks you to. He leaves then my mom drives into the driveway, and I walk outside to tell her about my new friend. Hey mom how was work. Oh it was alright how was your day dear. It was interesting I met a new friend he was hunting and I guess he fell and he was all bloody so I gave him some of Davids old clothes. Oh is that right when can I meet him. He might come over tomorrow I don't know. Well ok sweetheart we better get dinner made before your dad gets home he might be drunk tonight who knows. Just then David my brother pulls in the driveway. Hey Sarah. Hey David. How was your day? It was boring hardly anyone showed up for practice, so hos was your day? It was interesting I met a new friend he was hunting and I guess he fell and he was covered in blood, and I gave him some of your old clothes. Huh, that is interesting. Oh no your father's almost home we better get dinner done. We hurry inside the house to make dinner. 14 minutes later. Hey dad. Hi dad. Hi hunny. We all say hi as my dad walks in, I'm shaking hoping he's not drunk. Ah whatever where's my dinner women. He says walking to the table. It's ah right her dad, I say shaking. Oh no, I yell as I drop his dinner. Dad im so sorry. He looks at me with anger. You little brat, He says about to punch me, and im so scared im frozen. DON'T YOU TOUCH HER, David says as he grabs his arm. He looks at David in rage. Boy don't you stop me, He says trying to punch David. David look out, I say as I grab my dad's other arm. You brat let me go. We push him on the floor, and we hold him down as my mom calls the police. YOUR A MONSTER I HATE YOU, I say while hitting his chest. David knock him out. Alright, He says as he punches him and knocks him out. We let off of him. Geez what a drunk, I say as I kick him. Don't worry anymore he's probably going to jail. 17 minutes later. The police are here, I say to David. Where is he, the police ask. Right here sir. :Page 1

Beep Beep Beep. Sarahs alarm goes off. Huh. She rubs her eyes and turns the alarm clock off. Geez that was a weird dream. She gets up out of bed to get dressed. What should I wear to school today, oh this outfit will do. She gets dressed then she goes downstairs. Good morning David. Good morning Sarah. Where's mom. She left about 20 minutes ago. Oh ok well I better get going. Bye Sarah.  Bye David. Sarah walks threw the woods to get to her school, but there's something wrong about her new school she asked herself. Why is it in the wood's? Just then she ran into someone. Oh my are you alright. Yes im fine. She looks up to a boy standing with his hand down to help her up she grabs his hand. Are you going to the secret school in the wood's. Yes I actually am, are you? Yes do u want to walk with me? Sure, she says with a smile. Oh what's your name. Huh oh its Sarah. Thats a lovely name mines Jeremy. She looks surprised and thinks to herself. "Jeremy just like in my dream, but he's not covered in blood". Is something wrong. Oh no I was just thinking. Oh ok.
So have you been to this secret school. Yes actually its for special people, and I don't mean people with disabilities I mean smart intelligent people. Oh wow that's so cool.

My Best FriendOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara