Bella's Death

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Ok so this is the first part of this book, i decided to put up the description first to see what people thought about the story line. So I am now happy with the reads and seens as the holidays are here, i thought this was the best time to put this up here. please vote, and comment. thanks A.C

Jessie's POV

For 1 year and 4 months now, me and my siblings have been in existance. However this also has been the amount of time that my mother has been dead. My mother, Bella,was abandoned by her vampire family and carried us when she was human and was still human when she had us. However, wer'e not sure which one, but one of us bit her when she was holding us, and because she had just finished giving birth her body was not ready for the venom. Four months after giving birth to us ( we looked around 5 though), my mother experienced some unusall pain in her stomach. We just thought that it was just some stomach bug going around, but gradualy the pain worsened to a point where she collapsed and was rushed to Alaska hospital. She was out for several hours. During this time we were told that she had cancer, not only that but she would die in the next 24 hours. Thats when the socile worker came to the hospital to take us to the childrens home. We all unwillingly said goodbye to the only family we had and the one who would have died for us and did.

After roughly two hours of traveling in an old rickety people carrier, we arrived at the childrens home. There were children playing on bikes and older kids listening to music and messing around. All through this journey neither me or my siblings had talked to each other. It was during this journey also that I had time to think about all of the times I had got to spend with mom. I thought about how me and mom would just talk for hours and hours about nothing. This was my own time with her, but all of that was gone. I couldn't have those moments again.

I was brought out of my thoughts by my brother Leon pulling at my elbow, silently telling me to follow him and everybody else. I looked at Renesmee and Mckenzie. They both had red puffy eyes from where they had been crying. I felt like I wanted to cry but the tears wouldnt come out. I looked to my left to see my brothers, Jake and Quinn, putting on a brave face but inside feling the same sorrow as everybody else. Leon, the oldest out of all of us, was acting as the leader which we didnt mind. He was out infront of us and was throwing death glares at anyone who looked at our little huddle oddly.

The woman who had picked us up from the hospital turned to us as we had just entered the big building that was supposidly a house. She had a sorry look on her face that didn't go well with her features.

"I'm sorry children I didnt intrtoduce my self propuley. I am Miss Jane. Do you know why your here?" Miss Jane asked. Leon looked around at us we all nodded our heads and Renesmee let out a sobb into Jakes shoulder. Leon looked at her with a sad smile and nodded his head at Miss Jane as a reaponse to her question. " Yes, well I'm very sorry about your mother. Would you like me to take you to your rooms?" Miss Jane asked again. Leon didn't need to look around again, he knew that we would agree to anything right now. Miss Jane nodded and lead the way up a rarther wide staircase. We stopped at the first landing that had several blue doors leading off it. Miss Jane carried on walking as we tried to memorise which rooms we had passed.

We stopped aburtly at the end of the long corridor. Miss Jane looked at two doors that were opposite each other as if to check which one it was. With a short nodd she opened the door on the right. She walked into the light room and stopped in the center of the panneled floor. The room was clean and looked like it suited any gender. The east and west walls were blue while the north and south walls were pink. On the north wall were three small windows that was the only source of light. On the east and west walls were six beds, three on each wall. All of them had a creamy coloured sheet that resemled no personality. There as also a wooden wardrobe near the door that we had just entered.

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