13 off to Comp!!

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Ariana pov
Cam and i woke up bright and early 6:00 am at that !
We are heading for LA for dance Comp ! And were facing the ALDC  which is scary a lot them girls are good Maddie is my role model though !
I woke up and put on my "Pink" sweats and my pink ugg boots while cam dressed in hers but Blue Uggs we put our hair in messy buns and went downstairs to make breakfast ** end of pov**
Ariana: okay our flight leaves at 2:00 so we have a few houses so lets cook a big breakfast and feed these boys!
Cam: okay, ill do the pancakes with blueberries and bacon
Ariana: perfect, ill do the eggs and hashbrowns then were both make the smoothies!
Cam: got ya!
** an hour later the boys start waking**
Soda: FOODDD!!
Ariana: come and get it!
** they rush in**
Darry: wow girls, you really out done yourseleves
Johnny: sure did, thank you girls ** kisses ariana on the cheek **
Ariana: your welcome johnnycakes! ** blushs**
Cam: so eat up and double check everything! We gotta leave here at 12:30
Boys: got it


Sorry its so short guys ! But next chapter they leave for comp !
Stay golden!

Arianna (star) Curtis an Outsiders baby sister storyWhere stories live. Discover now