Chapter 2

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I woke up in the same cold cage that I've been in for the past week

In the same prison I've been in for the past 13 years

This is not how a 17 year old should be living

I smelt the air and it smelt the same as always

That same dirty smell

The smell of chemicals and drugs

"Are you alright?" The same irish voice asked, Niall asked the same questioned every time I wake up

I would say every morning but I haven't seen the sun for 13 years

It could be pitch black outside, the sun could be setting or rising

I'm not sure

"I'm fine" I replied the same way I always do

"Don't worry angel one day we'll get out of here, I promise" the same promise

How many times do you need to promise something before it actually happens?

Silence once again

I lay sprawled out on the cold ground of the metal cage

I'm not sure what kind of metal, I'm not sure about anything really

Niall was sat up, shirtless, and in the same black skinny jeans he always had on, they had rips at the heals and I could see his knees as always

I was still wearing the extremely short, light pink, short sleeved, dress

It was newer though

I had gotten changed into it a couple days ago after I was tested one, again

Well when I say gotten changed I mean I was stripped down and forced into this dress

But it was nicer than the Ratty old blue one I had on before

"Niall?" I quietly asked

"What is it angel?" Niall kindly replied

"How are we going to get out?" I asked myself that question just about every day

"I'm not sure yet, but we will, I know we will"

I heard the sound of the large metal door opening

Please no more tests!

The sound of a mans feet making contact with the floor as he approached us

I sat up and looked at the man in his white coat

Something about this man and the way he walked told me he wasn't going to test on us

From the mans facial expression and full head of hair I guessed he wasn't here to beat us or hurt us in any way

He wasn't very bright and by the looks of it he was only just smart enough to be an assistant or a messenger

He was doing his best to keep his mind clear but I was getting more powerful with every given day

He was thinking about a boy, I saw the image of the boy putting up a fight against two men another man held onto another girl and she struggled to get out of his tight grip, one of the men the curly headed boy was fighting pulled out a gun and shot the skinny blonde girl, blood went everywhere and the site was gruesome and truly disgusting and the curly headed boy froze and began crying at the site of the dead girl the man with the gun knocked the boy out and he fell to ground, then the same event repeated on a loop in the mans head

I could tell this man approaching us played a part in the murder of that girl and I had a feeling that boy lived and is still alive

But this man meant us no harm and therefore I shouldn't be intimidated

"'Ello you two, guess what, we have a surprise for you"

"We?" Niall suspiciously questioned

"Yes, we" the man repeated "can you two freaks guess what it is?" I could tell that this man, along with many others would never talk like that to us if we weren't detained and starving

"Food?" Niall asked the man

"Well" the man paused and before he spoke I already knew the answer

'Well if dry bread counts' he was clearly being sarcastic

"Don't bother what's the surprise" I harshly spat after finding my voice to say something to this cocky man

"You might get some new friends"

Then the metal door open again and four men walked in carrying four boys

"I guess you should introduce yourselves"

The men opened my cage and threw two boys in it, they did the same with Niall and left with not another word

I looked at the two boys that I should probably get to know once they woke up

Niall and I exchanged glances

Niall was concerned but slightly happy and he didn't even need to open his mouth to tell me

I just knew

That was my power

I can sense things, emotions, danger

I can read minds

And in case I haven't introduced myself, my name is angel and I was born with wings

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