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When the police got to his apartment after the missing calls were answered, all that they could find was a single mirror hanging in a barren room. On the frame of the mirror were strange etchings scrawled along the bottom length of it. 

It is said that Supernova, although rejected outright from the author's previous company, was published through a smaller independent publishing company which was just starting out. 

But the book Written in the Stars, as rumors have it, was a book never fully completed. Many still believe that there were two authors although despite what the author claims a second person connected with the book of Written in the Stars has never been found.

 While multiple witnesses have come forward saying they have seen one of the authors walking the streets late at night holding a large binder under his arm. 

Meanwhile other witnesses have seen him frequenting various parks. He is said to have visited at least one park a day also while holding a binder in one hand, a pen in his other as he would continue to write down his thoughts into the binder. T

he mystery company Fractal Beginnings which supposedly published Written in the Stars was never found to have existed. After an investigation was started it was found that there are no actual buildings in the location of 1111 Fantasy Dr. on Tree and Synch road. 

The state ImagPhiBeta has never been known to exist and the country Dreem T. BAKLEIT turned up another dead end. Later it was found when it came to the book Written in the Stars, from one city to the next, everyone seemed to have a different experience with how they discovered it.

The following are some of the various witnesses own accounts

Bystander 1

I was walking alone down a dark alley.
I was lost and as I stumbled past some garbage, I felt my face making it's way to the floor, so I stretched my hand out and grabbed the closest thing possible to help keep me from hitting the ground.

 Oddly that was the book Written in the Stars.

When I grabbed it I didn't feel any ledge underneath where it was held, but when I regained my balance there was an entire platform with rails and all.

 I didn't feel any bars when my hand first reached for something, but there it was lodged in between two bars nice and snug.
It was impossible, but it saved my life. I don't know how to explain it! Do you?

Our family always wanted to visit the paradise cities.

Never did we imagine that such an opportunity would come into our lives.

So when it did we welcomed it with open arms and caught the first flight out. Wouldn't you? When our plane landed, the family and I reached the terminal gates leaving the airport.

I swear I could see a shimmer coming from the artfully crafted fountain. I think it was a Monet or someone or another who designed it.

 Well that's what I was told.
Anyway, as I went to investigate the reflecting glare, quickly before the authorities could see me, I hopped up on the wall.

Without thinking I dove my hands into the water.

There were so many people looking at me.

I thought, any minute my first time visiting a tropic paradise was going to be my first visit to jail.

My family were so embarrassed and quickly they scurried out of sight.

I can't blame them though.

 As I pulled my hands out of the water, now grasping the shiny thick item, the words Written in the Stars were the first thing that I noticed.

They seemed to shimmer up until it was out of the water.

The weirdest part was throughout the event, no police ever came to harass me.

People standing close by seemed to not even take notice of me. It was crazy! The book!

The book itself was dry as a dehydrated bone!

Do you think that is even possible?

I don't know it was almost magical.

It took me back to when I was a kid. I'd do it again in a heart beat.

Bystander 2

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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