Chapter One Part 2- Odd Changes

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Authors Note: Ok ya'll I am back with Chapter 1 Part 2! Yeah I know I cut off chapter one short well I figured I'd just make it into two parts ^-^ That way its a total of twenty four chapters:) It will be similar to season three as the story goes on there will be a possibility of more chapters getting pushed in there totally disregarding the whole twenty four chapter thing lol. May start that in this season if I see fit or might in second season. I flow more to following the tv line but I will try at making it original and slightly off the storyline for some chapters if I need a filler or break...or if I just plain out want to hehe. Well message me your opinions or ideas ^-^ I'll take anything into consideration! Check my profile for awesome stuff ill be posting in my about me box -_~. Well tata enjoy the story!! ^-^


Ok let me get something's straight here...I know I am not the most prettiest girl nor am I the ugliest I am just average...dark brown almost black hair and dark brown eyes just like my brother. I have a mole on my lower chin much like my brother again and a slightly tan skin like him I have a few blemishes here and there ^.^' oh well right?

When Scott and I got home we both went straight to our own rooms and most likely Scott did what I was doing...taking a shower and cleaning off the bite marks. 'man now I cant wear anything off the shoulder for school...damn.' I got out of the shower and wiped the fog off the mirror and looked at my left shoulder and frowned it has appeared to already be healing. Odd. I shrugged and put medicine on it and wrapped it in gauze, I got dressed into a loose tank top and boy shorts and went out to my bedroom. I opened my bedroom door to see Scott's light off confirming he was already asleep I went to my bed and lets just say I passed out.  

''i looked around myself and took notice I was in the woods...a low howl went out somewhere and I ran in the rain in my pjs toward the sound...strange things was I was fast like really fast. I stopped by a stream and gasped as I saw my eyes were gold.  

I jumped as a low growl sounded behind me I whirled around and there stood the same creature as last night it looked at me and lunged at me and I screamed...' 

I jolted awake in a sweat and looked around and sighed.' Good god just a nightmare.' I thought shakily and noticed the sun was just rising. 

'Great I woke up before it was time is going to suck. ' I concluded and fell back and closed my eyes.  


I sighed stepping out of the shower and unwrapped my wound and winced slightly as a sting went through it but when the wrapping was off my jaw dropped there was nothing there but a faint scar....I put another gauze thing over it and continued to get ready. I pulled on a white\/cream colored over sized shirt...and put a grey scarf over it and black leggings and black seude boots going to mid calve. I let my hair fall into natural curls it going to mid back and put a tan beanie on my head, adding some mascara and eyeliner i frowned when I noticed my face was nearly flawless. I shrugged and grabbed my backpack and keys and went downstairs grabbing my loose grey sweater I heard Scott coming down stairs.  

"Hey Bro how's the bite? Also you need a ride to school?" I asked watching him put his net or lacrosse in his bag.  

"Nah I'll ride my bike since I have practice after school don't wanna hold you up and its fine still have it bandaged haven't looked at it since last night" He said walking toward the door.  

Opening the door walking out him behind me "Alright if you say know I stay after to watch you anyways...and ah ok just wonder well I'll see you at school" I said unlocking my black jeep and getting in. I smiled remembering when I got this Stiles was so jealous (A\/N: Just for the sake of this i dont know how Stiles has his license if they are 15 so I am going to make them 16 in this) I started the Jeep and backed out following behind Scott.  

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