Chapter 2

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"Fuck no." He answers right away, glaring at Ariel.

"Okay then, I just have to–"


Ariel ignores him, pulling her phone out and quickly calls the cops.

"Hello, sir. I would like to report–"

The brown-haired man grabs her right wrist away from her face quickly, "No."

".. I guess i just have to scream?" A smirk appears on her face. She opens her mouth, only to be stopped by the man's other hand on her mouth.

"You just won't give up, will ya?"

Ariel shakes her head, the man slowly lets go of her. "Tch.. You leave me no choice."

She smiles in victory, put her phone back beside her ear. "I'm sorry, officer. I was just tricking my brother. Yeah, it's fine. I won't do it again. Okay, sorry for the trouble."

Ariel hangs up then smiles at the man. "Now, let's get down to business."


"Well, Styles–"


"Okay, Harry. All you have to do is be my fake boyfriend for a couple of days."

Harry Styles only nods in response, not bothering to listen to her explanation. 'Why am i doing this?' Gerutunya dalam hati. Ia menyisir rambutnya dengan salah satu tangannya asal, menoleh ke gadis yang berjalan di sebelahnya.

"You have a car, right?" Harry mengerutkan alisnya bingung, "Yes. Why?"

"Let's take it and go to my house."

'What?' Ia berhenti berjalan, menatap Ariel, meminta penjelasan.

"You were not listening, huh?" Ariel sighs, "I said, let's pretend we've been in relationship for a while now, and that i've been avoiding you lately. Then you decided to see what's wrong and picked me up at school."

Ia hanya menaikkan salah satu alisnya. "And you took me with your car –because it will be weird if you picked your girlfriend with taxi-, here to talk, making me late for the dinner tonight."

Mereka terdiam, saling menatap sebelum Harry memutar matanya jengkel. "Fine. Let's go." Ucapnya, berjalan ke arah sebaliknya. Dari yang baru saja ia dengar, Ariel akan dijodohkan dengan seseorang yang tidak ia tau. Ia melirik dari sudut matanya. Golden brown hair, hazel eyes, hidung mancung, badan ramping dengan tinggi lebih dari perempuan rata-rata, grey t-shirt and black skinny-jeans. 'Simple, but beautiful.' Katanya dalam hati sebelum mendengus pelan, menghilangkan apa yang baru saja dipikirkannya.

Sekitar 15 menit kemudian, mereka sampai di depan gedung apartment tinggi. "Wait here. I'm going to take my keys first." Harry baru saja ingin memasuki gedung sebelum Ariel berkata, "I'll go too."

"No." He sighs. "But i need to know where you live."

"My place's a mess." Ucapnya lagi, tapi Ariel tetap memaksa untuk ikut. "No. Wait here. You'll know, but not now."

"Okay, fine. Just be fast." Kata Ariel menyerah, Harry langsung naik ke lantai 7 dan mengambil kunci mobilnya. Ia turun lewat belakang karena parking lotnya terletak di belakang gedung. Dengan segera ia menyalakan Lamborghini Gallardo hitamnya dan mengendarainya ke tempat Ariel berada.

Tangannya menekan klakson, menyuruh Ariel masuk. Awalnya, mereka tidak saling berbicara, sampai akhirnya Ariel menoleh ke arahnya.

"Well, Harry. Tell me more about yourself."

"... Harry Edward Styles. February 1st, 1994. Law student at USF."

Ariel mengangkat alisnya bingung, "You're a law student and you sell drugs?" Tanyanya sebelum melanjutkan, "No offense though. Tell me more, Styles."

"My parents divorced when I was 7." Genggaman tangan Harry di setir sedikit mengencang, and Ariel notices it. "I have an older sister named Gemma."

She nods, "Right. Uhm.." Ia mengalihkan topik pembicaraan mereka dengan cepat, "Hobbies?"

"I cook." Jawabnya singkat. "What? Really?" Tanya Ariel lagi, kaget. Laki-laki yang ditanya melirik kearahnya sesaat, "Well, yes. Can't you cook?"

Ariel giggles nervously, "Actually, i'm a pretty bad cook." Harry kembali melirik ke arahnya, walau hanya sekilas, "Hn."

On the way to Ariel's house, they get to know about each other a bit better.

Ariel knows the man with clear, blue-green orbs, brown curly hair, sharp jawline and kissable lips that sits next to her was popular among the opposite gender. Both girls and women, because of his playboy look and appeal. He loves his mother and sister, but he hates dealing with girls who wears too much make-up and clings to him everytime they had a chance.

And Harry knows Ariel is a mature, smart, simple and beautiful girl who loves arts, books and cheese-burger. Unlike other girls, she's not really interested in boys. 'She's a bit different, I guess..' Harry terdiam sebelum membuang jauh-jauh gagasan itu.

"We're here." Ucapan Ariel membuyarkan lamunan Harry. Sebuah pagar besar terbuka. Matanya menatap ke arah rumah mewah dengan 3 tingkat yang ada di depannya. Harry menghentikan mobilnya di dekat pintu masuk dan keluar bersama Ariel.

"You didn't mention your parents are this rich." Kata laki-laki yang sedang menatap ke arah Ariel itu. "Mm-hm.." Ariel hums, staring at her house with a somehow, lonely look. Harry slowly takes her hand but not looking at her, "Let's just get this done,... girlfriend."

Ariel looks up then laughs softly, "Okay."

Fakers // h.sTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang