Chapter 1

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The place where the cheerleaders and jocks rule. Nope. They don't care whether you have money. As long as your'e not in the popular table then your'e considered a nobody. An example? Well, that would obviously be me.

In our school, music is just as low as the chess club.

The only thing that is keeping the music program alive is the principal's daughter, Ashley. Also known as the queen bee and head cheer leader of the tigers.

As I walked to my locker, my best friend, Laura bumps into me and gossips about her favorite topic, Ashley.

" Em, you seriously need to show your talent. Ashley is the worst pianist anyone has ever heard. She is still in level freaking three!!! That may be embarrassing but she has been taking lessons for over 5 years."

"Lau, It won't work. She is the star for music because her mom is the principal and her dad is part of the school board. You do remember what happened last year?" I tell her looking in her eyes to see if she knows what I mean.

Last year during our freshman year, a girl named Jessica couldn't take anymore of Ashely's fake talent and decided to join the talent show. Of course, nobody else went against Ashley and then dun dun dunnnnn Jessica joined.

" I do know. I still feel sorry for Jessica, now she has to suffer from that fall." Laura sighed knowing that Ashley should've been suspended but since she is the principal's daughter.......she got out of trouble easily.

We walked towards the music room which was our daily routine after school.

"Hi Mr. Sanders!" I walked into the room to find the gray haired old teacher leaving. " Would you mind if we use your music room?"

"No problem girls" he looked at us knowingly " just remember to lock the room when you're done alright?"

"We will" i replied

Once he was gone, Laura and I checked the hallways and closed the windows and the doors. All of the lights were off except for the one on top of the piano and the violin.

"Alrightyyy!!" Laura said " Let's start with something to warm up with"

"How about Canon in D?" I suggested.

"Sureeee ok one two three"

I knew that I didn't need to look at the notes in front of me. The music will just flow through my fingers. As I play, I move my body to express the feelings that are going through me.

Music surrounds the oval room and the violin and the piano are the only instruments that could be heard.

"Wow, i thought that it would take us five minutes but it wowww it took us twenty to play it..... We must've been playing the piece over and over." Laura exclaimed putting the violin back into its case. " oh crap, its already 4! I'll see you tomorrow Emma"

"Huh? Oh yea sure Lau bye" I said giving her a thoughtful smile

"Oh and Emma?" She stopped half way through the door. " be careful, Ashley might find you here"

" Jeez Lau, I will be fine now go before your parents start to worry." I said.

"Ok ok ok fine I'm just saying" she said as she finally closed the door behind her.

I stayed for another 30 minutes just playing classical songs.

Finally, I went and experimented my new song.

I took a deep breath and sang:

Everyday the sun has shined through my window

Looking for you I have done it for a while

I never lost or gave up my hope

Because someday I am gonna find you

Boy, where have you been all my life?

The stars shine bright for me but you were never there

Every time I close my eyes

I feel like you're there with me

I'm just a gir-

Beep beep

I received a text from my brother

Come home now. I need your help here.I'll send the limo to pick you up.

I quickly packed up my things and started heading out of the music room when I hear a nasal voice talking to..... Wait me?

"Hey, Emma, what do you think you're doing in the music room playing the piano?" The blonde haired bimbo said to me aka Ashely Grayson.

"I was just.....I....I...." I stuttered. I wasn't as confident as I am when I'm with Laura and I was never good at interacting with people.

"Well Nerd? Have anything to say?" She smirked. "Look at her she's just some wannabe" she said to her minions Stacey and Daisy. They laughed with their high pitched voices.

" Shut up" I said to her. " You're the wanna be here. You can't even play the piano correctly so just shut up you blonde bimbo." .

She was surprised to see me speak up but then again, she has never heard me speak up before.

But then the familiar look in her face tells me that something will happen afterwar-


"You bitch! Did you really think that you have talent?"

Another slap on my face

" your just a wanna be"

Before she could slap me again, i shot my hand straight for her nose. And saw blood pooling out on the floor. Her minions were now panicking.

Ashley quickly stood up on her feet and lunged at me scratching my face like a cat. We both ended up outside of the hallway.

Omg those nails were sharper than my pencils. I quickly tried to block myself until a dark shadow took Ashley off of me.

"Ahh i always love a girl fight but Emma I thought you were better than that." A dark voice knocked me back to my senses as he helped me up.

"Wait what?" A loud shriek came from Ashley. "How the hell do you know her name, Justin. Or are you just trying to make me jealous" she purred trying to caress umm Justin's arm.

" Leave Emma alone you bimbo. Can't you take a hint that I don't like you?" I could see the irritation in his eyes as he yelled at her.

I would've laughed at Ashley's face to find her being rejected by this guy.

After a few minutes of hearing Ashley whine about herself being hurt she finally walked away after a text that there was a sale in the mall.

Jeez that girl is like a robot.

I turned to Justin to find him staring at me blankly.

I quickly muttered "thanks" and ran straight to the bathroom closest to the school's entrance. I quickly got into the limo as it parked outside of school.

As the driver drove out of school I couldn't help but look out of the window only to see Justin out there giving me a small smirk.

Oh boy, those smirks are the key to trouble...............

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