Birthday Shower!!!

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HI!! How are you?

Good. I hope your day was as good as mine.

Soo. Fun Fact about me: My birthday is in less than 3 weeks!!! And yes. I will update on my birthday. So you will find out what day it is!


Fae Winter's (Samantha's best friend at the Moonblood pack) POV

Today is Sam's 21 Birthday!!! I made her the best cake. My three babies are coming. Katlynn who is 3. Kaedeen and Kaleb and they are 9 months. I also got her good friend Kendall and her baby Gia. I hope she won't get mad at me for this.

Kendall's POV

I'm so glad that Sammie's friend called me so I can go to her party. Me and Gia. She is going to freak when she sees her. Gia looks like Jake. She has his hazel eyes but my blonde hair. His full lips but my high cheekbones. I hope she loves her.

Samantha's POV

When I got there everyone there. I was so glad. I walk- Waddled is the correct word. Over to Fae. "Omg Fae. I can't believe that you did all this for me." I didn't even know i crying until she said

"No Sam don't cry. I wanted to do this."

"These hormones are really getting to me."

"Anyways... I think someone is here for you!"


"Omg Kendall." I waddled (See got it right.) over to her. "Aww who is this" Kendall had the cutest baby in her arms.

"This is Gia. I didn't tell you but I got pregnant 1 month before you did."

"WHAT!.. Why not? "

"I was scared to tell you that me and your brother mated. It sounded nasty at that time."

"Okay. Well ho- Woah. Is that a ring?"

"Oh yea. We got married last month."

"Aww. Why didn't you invite me"

"I thought you didn't care for me anymore"

"I could nev- mmm. Oh no" No no no no. I'm a month early.

"Umm did your water just break?!"

"Yep and it is all over my new dress!!!!!!!! Ouch. Owe, owe,owe. FAE!! Come on it's time..."

"Do you want me to come?"

"Yes I do sister."

** 1 hour later**

(Still samantha's POV)

When we got to the pack doctor I was hurting like crazy. I never thought that giving birth would hurt like this. But I can't wait until my baby is born. I already love her. I just get to love her even more. "Okay Sam. We need you to push on the count of 3. 1.2.3"

"UGH. This hurts." I mean when I say it hurts. It does!

"One more big push and she will be out." How big is she?

It took 3 more minutes to push out Eva. I let Fae and Kendall cut the cord.(Idk if that is possible)

Eva Sophie Leron. Born March 24 2:48 pm. 6 pounds 9 ounces.

Once I saw my baby I was so happy. The baby that have been growing in my stomach for 4 and a half months. She is beautiful. Eva has her dad's dark brown hair and big brown eyes. In all MY baby is gorgeous. "Sammie she is adorable!" Says Kendall. "Thanks. I can never love anyone as much as I love her."

"I believe that."

"Sam. I'm gonna go tell everyone that you just had your baby." Fae told me

I can't believe that I was carrying this bundle of joy. I already love her more than anything.

Proud to be a single She-Wolf momजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें