Stuck In Another Dimension 2

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It’s funny how many things in our world take place that can neither be solved or explained.You probably already know me,Ali Champ. Right now I have no idea where I am or how the heck I got here,all I remember is jumping into a light source illuminating from a school toilet,and now I’m here.It seems that the floor is all frozen and very very ice cold,and totally deserted.Some mist hovers through the air partially blocking my view,but I can still see very clearly all the planets I have learned about,oddly including earth.It seems that the light source was some sort of portal,transporting me to this bizarre eccentric place.I’m usually quite a quick-thinker,but right now I had absolutely no idea what to do.”Maybe there’s another portal that could take me back to earth!”I thought out loud.I frantically looked around searching for some kind of illuminating light,but no sign of it. Actually the ground was flat ice and see-through.The air was so cold it kept striking my face numb,and the atmosphere was so misty I couldn’t see a thing ahead,but what choice did I have?So I started walking…

I have never thought walking could ever be that hard ! It’s like my legs are magnetically bound to the floor and with such a hard force I could move one step forward.I walked on and on and on and on hoping I would find anything in this god forsaken place,but with each step this hope dimmed gradually until finally,I gave up.I lunged my body to the ground,and fell asleep instantly.I dreamt that a very abnormal green creature stood over my sleeping body,then held me by the shoulders and carried me away into some sort of cabin,then he put me on what looked like a weird looking bed.I woke up with a sudden urge to eat since the stench of something peculiar invaded my nostrils.I looked around,and sure enough,I was in a cabin,a tray of what looked like soup in front of me.I was in a shock,total shock,for how did I come ever come here ? And if my dream really did take place,then were was the green creature that held me all the way here? My question was weirdly answered,when the same green creature I saw in my dream entered the cabin,holding a bag in his…paw.I was petrified,and as he approached me the urge of fleeing engulfed me.But the fright was too durable,so I kept my ground.The alien stood infront of me,obviously trying to communicate,but I did not comprehend a single word.then finally,I cut him short and asked,”Do you speak English,sir?”.He stood there speechless for a moment,then I knew he did not identify with my language.Then abruptly,he spoke,”What do you seek,young traveler,in our concealed planetarium?”.I was amazed to see him talk,for his accent wasn’t decipherable in any way.”Who are you?” I asked reluctantly.”I am the great Singawa,warrior and assassin, currently retired,where are you from,boy?”interrogated Singawa.”I am Ali Champ,from earth”I alleged.”And how did you come to this planetarium?It is concealed from any other planet in the solar system” preached Singawa.”I’m as bewildered as you are,Sing,all I know is that I jumped into a light and the next thing I know is that I’m stuck on this planet” I said,feeling a tinge of relaxation,although I wasn’t quite sure if I can call him Sing.”I fear that you have entered a leyline,fellow traveler,which is a portal that could transport you here. There is only 1 leylines on earth.We invented it in case we had to travel to a planet easily,but we never thought a mortal could have the ability to see them,unless he had magical aura” said Singawa in an eerie voice.”Does that mean that I have magical powers?!” I asked thoughtfully.”It is possible,but there is no assurance” Singawa said. “How can I get back to earth,Singawa?”I asked with tremor,hoping for a positive answer,that never came.”I’m afraid there is only one way,but it is quite impossible”Singawa shook his head.”Please Singawa,it is my only way back”I pleaded.”On our planetarium,Stavros,we have only one portal to access the leylines we have spread throughout the solar system,but since the star wars began,we have lost it,and no record of it have been seen ever since.But our world’s prophecy claims that it is found in the far ruins of Antiped,about 100 kilometers away,but it is heavily guarded with Anthrax,bad aliens,so it is practically impossible to enter.” Singawa said forcefully.”And where are all the good aliens,Singawa?”I interrogated.He answered:”All extinct,because of the star wars,except for me and a very few others spread on Stavros who have survived the vigorous attacks of Anthrax.”Then I audaciously said:”If I seek the ruins of Antiped,will you accompany me,great Singawa?”. “I pity your situation,young traveler,that is why I will help you…”

     I slowly drank my warm soup as Singawa prepared for the journey. It was surprisingly tasty and delicious,and made me feel content. Singawa approached me,wearing a fighting suit I once saw on Star Trek,in his pouch a light savor sword and what looked like a laser gun. He handed me a smaller laser gun and told me,”You will probably need this.” I took the laser gun and took a skeptical look at it,it was cool! “Now,young traveler”Singawa said,”You should know that the portal opens at the dusk of a bloodred moon,which is in about 12 hours,and when it opens,it remains so for only 10 minutes,then it closes abruptly,do you understand?”.”Yes” I said. “Good,now pay attention,if we do find the portal and it truely opens,you say which leyline you seek,Earth,then step forward” Singawa said. I nodded in acceptance.I finished my soup and asked Singawa:”How does somebody know if he has a magical aura?”.Sinagawa answered,”You must truely believe that you possess magical powers,and if it doesn’t work then you either don’t have a magical aura or you’re not truely believing”.I nodded even though I really didn’t believe in magic. After filling a bag with different kinds of fruits,Singawa headed for the door,and I followed him.It was a relentless,restless voyage,though Singawa kept handing me fruits every once and a while.After 8 hours on my watch,we rested under a palm tree for about 2 hours,then continued our tiring journey.On the way,Singawa said,”We are almost there,about 1 hour ahead”,he passed me a strawberry.After some time,I started making out some ruins far ahead.Sure enough,there were guards blocking the entrance.Singawa declared:”We must seek another entrance I know,for this one is heavily guarded,and I cannot dispose of them all.”As we started getting closer we drifted to the right and started walking around the ruins.We reached another deserted entrance and went on.Singawa pointed to an upper ridge inside the ruins and said,”if the prophecy was truely correct,then the portal will appear open right there in about 20 minutes.”I nodded. There was some kind of stairway that led to the upper ridge.We started climbing.On the way up,Singawa stopped in his tracks. I looked at him and he suddenly said,”Go on,fellow traveler,and I will guard the stairway for you if any misfortuantes occur.” Again,I nodded and completed my way up,for it was a long way to the ridge.Suddenly,out of the blue,came 4 black aliens running to the stairway entrance.Anthrax,I thought.I panicked,while down underneath Singawa started fighting them all.I continued my way upwards swiftly hoping that Singawa can beat them.

Finally I reached the ridge and,to my utter shock,the portal was already open.”Could it be?” I thought,then I looked at my watch,it has been open for 8 minutes!I almost choked when I found out,then rushed to it with all my speed and might.Before I entered,I took a glance down,and,to my terror,Singawa was fighting over 10 Anthrax! I was very dazed.Singawa was losing,and it was just a matter of time before they killed him.I looked at the portal,it was becoming smaller and smaller by the second.I took one last look at Singawa,he was being beaten,and I didn’t know what to do.I was so confused.Should I enter the portal,or should help Singawa??? Then I did what I thought was right…

I lunged for Singawa…


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2011 ⏰

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