Arin X Reader

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(okay you already know who Arin is from my other stories so i wanted you to get to know her and there might be two parts! and yes she is human. And by the way this is yuri!)

~Your POV~

  I was walking through the dull school hallways, most people were on there phones talking to there friends or doing late homework. You always like to observe people (not in a creepy way o.o) but there ways this one girl with white messy hair, a light pink and white striped oversized sweater that was slanted on her shoulder, black shorts, knee high white socks, brown ankle boots, a choker with a bell, a top hat, a cat tail, and an eyepatch?! I wondered why she was wearing an eyepatch. Probably she was in a fight or something, I hear that she gets into a lot of trouble. But then she notice me staring at her, She made confused face and then walked over to me. "Hey! Why were you staring at me." she said with a stern and somewhat tire voice. "ummm i just was....wondering why you have an eyepatch....." you said shyly blushing. "Hmmmm I see." She slammed me lightly on the locker and put her hand on my shoulder while her other hand was tilting my head up to make contact with hers. "You know..... your actually really cute! What's your name?" she asked me. I started to blush "my name is (y/n).....(who else said fluttershy!) you said stuttering. "Aww what a cute name by the way my name is Arin, Arin Scythes." she said giving me a smirk. The bell for third period rang, she removed her hands of me and then left.

~Le Time Skip~

  It was lunch and you were walking to the door to eat outside but as you were heading towards the doors you then felt a shoe trip you from the front causing you to fall and spill your food, you heard a familiar laugh then you looked up. It was your old middle school bully, Brittany (okay look my friend from school suggested this oc, so don't blame me if it's sounds like a stereotypical popular girl. Because i think that was the point. idk have to ask her.) she took a picture of me than laughed again. "This is hilarious! You are totally going to be internet famous!" She said taking multiple pictures. I then heard another familiar voice pushing people from the crowd that i was currently surrounding me. "(Y/N) WHAT"S GOING ON?!?" She asked but the she looked at Brittany. "You did this!" she grabbed the phone and looked at the pictures of me, her face got angrier. Brittany snatched her phone away from Arin's hands. "If you want to see the picture you can just check on Instagram and - before she could finish her sentence Arin punched her face very swiftly causing Brittany to pass out. She gave me her hand and helped me up. "Are you okay?! Lets go get you clean." Arin said pushing everyone out of the way.

~Arin"s POV~

We soon arrived in the bathroom, it was surprisingly empty but to make sure i search in all the stalls they were all empty. I grabbed a paper towel and wet it then started to wipe off some food off of (y/n) arm. She started to pick pieces of food off her hair. She still looked pretty cute even though she was covered in food. I then licked some of the fudge on her face, she started to blush. "Damit your still so fudgin cute! you see what i did there." She punched me lightly on the shoulder "ohhh shut up...." she said blushing once more. I think i could fall for her........

I hope you enjoy my Oc X readers this took me so long though,  i finally added a picture of Arinand yes i did draw it, but anywhale hope you enjoy okay byez cookie readers! ~Pugz out MEOW!!!!

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