"Oh, it wasn't that dramatic, honestly. After he left..." She was at a loss for words, and glanced at Harry and caught his guilty, worried gaze. She could get her revenge, maybe even ruin his life...but no. Even she wouldn't stoop that low. Time to rescue the idiot. Again. "I used too much magic and collapsed. Harry showed up and scared the snake off for good. Without him, I would be gone. I'm extremely thankful, Harry, I don't even know where to begin," Anna lied all too well, making Harry feel worse than he would have if she would've told the truth.

"A toast...to Harry and Anna, for never failing to be brave!" Arthur exclaimed and raised his glass. Everyone agreed, also raising their glasses.

"It's nothing to cheer about, really," Harry said, trying to hide his guilt. Anna gave him a pointed look, causing him to tense.

"Nonsense, you two should be recognized! Without you, my husband wouldn't be here. Now shush and eat," Molly said with a smile. He didn't say another word about it.


The next morning was filled with hugs and smiles, which were somewhat faked by Harry and Anna. It was Christmas morning and a cheery mood seemed to fill the House of Black. Everyone sat at the long table with sweets and gifts. The only sad event was when Molly received a package: Percy's unopened Christmas gift with no note. But she was quickly consoled and brushed it off.

Sirius had a grin plastered on his face. He wasn't used to having family and friends celebrating with him for the holidays. It warmed everyone's hearts seeing him so happy.

After the morning was over, everyone dispersed until lunch. Sirius talked to Anna in an empty room.

"I know there was more to that night than what you said, and Harry looked very guilty...did he have anything to do with the attack?" Sirius asked, his voice low and serious (yes, pun intended). Anna kept a straight face.

"No, it was Voldemort like always-"

"Promise?" he said, making Anna's heart sink. She heard a noise from outside the room; someone was eavesdropping, but she chose to ignore it. Their identical eyes met as she spoke.

"Promise. Is that all you wanted to talk about?"

"No. Actually, there's a lot I want to talk to you about, but it can wait, we have lots of time."

"Are you sure? Because at this rate..." she trailed off with a sad smile.

"Stop, we have years. I'll watch you grow up and defeat Voldemort. I'll walk you down the aisle and help you raise your kids. I'll always be there for you," he said warmly and she truly believed it. They talked for a bit longer before they parted ways. She had something she needed to do.

"Harry, can I speak to you for a moment?" Anna asked, interrupting a conversation between him and Hermione. His eyes widened at the sight of her.

"Of course," he said eagerly, getting up and walking a bit too fast, causing him to trip over the table. Anna smirked, rolling her eyes. She led him to the end of the hallway. "What's this about?"

"I was wondering if you enjoyed listening to mine and Sirius' conversation earlier?" his face turned red.

"I...I don't know what you're talking about," he stuttered, but it was no use. Anna's persistent stare made him know he was caught. Harry sighed. "Fine...no, I didn't actually. Why did you lie to him? And why did you lie to everyone last night?"

"Keep your voice down! And I did it to save your sorry self. What was I supposed to do? Expose you to everyone?!" she said in an exasperated whisper.

Anna Black, The Girl Who Lived (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now