Chapter 9

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Anna's POV

"Okay, any ideas guys? We need to find a place for the practice," I said. we only had one day before we all met again at the Hog's Head. I looked back at Harry, Ron, Hermione, Reeve, and the twins. They all gave a small shrug, and the look on their faces showed they were trying to think.

"Maybe...behind Hagrid's Hut?"

"No, we might as well just go tell the whole school we formed this group."

"Erm...oh, I know. What's the place called? Oh, right, The Shrieking Shack," Reeve exclaimed. I stopped in my tracks as a chill went down my spine. No. Way. I'm not going back, I can't handle it. I quickly straightened up and started walking again, and they continued to follow.



"It''s too small," I
suggested, and Harry came next to me.
"Don't worry, I wouldn't want to go back either," he whispered, and I could feel his fingers lace through mine. I have him a small smile and a nod.

"How about the Forbidden Forest?" The twins asked in unison.

"No! Bloody hell no! I am NOT going back! There are too many bloody spiders in there!" Ron shrieked, and just about everyone laughed, except for me and him.

"I agree with Ron... And yes, I do have a secret fear of spiders," I mumbled, causing everyone to laugh harder. "Guys stop, really, is not funny."

"I just find it hilarious how you defeated Voldemort three times, and survived when the death eaters kidnapped and tortured you, and after you went through all of that, you're afraid of some spiders," Hermione snickered. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, well your boggart is failing a test," I mumbled, and everyone laughed.

"What?! it isn't! Ugh, how the bloody hell did you know that?!" She hissed. I smirked.

"I had just assumed, I guess I was right. But anyways, we need more ideas."

"I noticed you haven't given any," Ron mumbled with a snicker.

"Yeah, and neither have you. Let me think... Well, isn't there an abandoned classroom or something that we could just use for now?" I asked, but Hermione shook her head.

"Maybe, but we'll be caught for sure... I can't believe you didn't think of anything sooner Anna-"

"Oh, so it's my fault that we all hadn't thought of this sooner?"

"Yes, you know you're pretty much the leader of the group-"

"Okay, first off, I am NOT a leader-"

"Hermione's right, you are the leader of the group," Harry chimed in, smirking. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh shut it... But really, we need to think of something-"

"Guys! I found the perfect place for the DA meetings!" Neville exclaimed, running over to us. I could feel a grin make its way across my face.

"Really? Where is it?" I asked excitedly. He beckoned for us to follow him, and we did. So we did, and when we got there, I was confused. It was just a brick wall.

"Um, Neville..." Harry trailed off awkwardly.

"What? It's just a brick wall... Wait a second...Oh Merlin, you've done it, Neville, you've found the room of requirement!" I exclaimed once I saw the door appear.

"What? How did that door get there?"

"Guys, this is the Room of Requirement. It's a hidden room, and the only way to get in is to stand in front of this wall, and think about how much you need it. Then the door should appear, and you can get inside," I explained, then turned to Neville, "Good job, this is going to be the perfect place to hold the meetings. Thank you so much."

Anna Black, The Girl Who Lived (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now