I love her...*Jermaine

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Hope In You Is Comfort.

Thoughts of you are Glee.

In you i see the fruits of love.

Your heart is the fertile seed

Affections like sweet nector.

Lips like pollon to a bee

Like a toddler long for Heroes.

So does mine lips long for thee.

I ling to carress the, the sculptured perfection that is your physique.

For your beauty beams with radiance.

Ever follicle unique.

Everything that makes you yourself.

I want as apart of me.

To let oils of my love flow through every fiber of your being.

Cuddling in comfort gently softer than a smore.

And for us to waltz to the beat of our hearts for forever more.

Love Makes Everything Grow..Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ