Chapter 27

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Next thing I know, the sun was shining bright and I woke up wondering where I was. Then, I looked over and realized I must've fallen asleep last night. But then I realized I was on the roof alone... Where did Brent go?! I frantically called Brent off my cell phone but it went straight to voice mail. Then, I called Samantha and Margaret asking if they knew where Brent was but they said they didn't. I frantically ran off the roof of the building and realized Brent's car was also missing. Luckily, Samantha came and picked me up. "Where is he?!!! Do you think he's okay?!" I freaked out. "Calm down. I'm sure he's okay" said Samantha. Next thing I know, we are pulled up in front of Brent's house and his car is in the driveway. "What the hell?! He just left me up there alone!?!" I said to Samantha. "You need to go talk to him. I'll be out here if you need me" said Samantha. I walked up to Brent's door and rung the doorbell. Brent answered the door looking scared and annoyed and a little guilty. "Brent? Where did you go? I was scared and I tried calling you and you didn't answer and I thought you were hur-" my words were cut off by Brent saying "I'm fine. Stop". "Brent. What's wrong" I asked him worriedly. "Mind your own business for once. Ok?!" He snapped at me. I was shocked and didn't know what to say. "What did I do" I asked sadly. "I just. I can't do this anymore. Ok? I'm breaking up with you Catherine" he said. I felt like I had been knocked down by a bulldozer. I felt the tears coming to my eyes but I tried to stay strong. "But but. What about the oak tree? And the kisses? And the flowers? And the dress? And the stars? And the slow dancing? And just everything. What about all these memories and great thinks Brent?" "Things go away. All of those are in the past." Brent stated seriously. "Brent. How do you go from loving someone the day before to not loving them the next day?" I asked him. "Love comes and goes. And I'm sorry Catherine but our love went. We're over. And you have to get over that. Now I have to go" Brent said as he ran out the door and got in his car and drove away. I stood at his door step watching him drive away, tears streaming out of my eyes. Samantha saw me crying and came up and asked what was wrong. I explained the whole story to her. She comforted me and helped me in the car and drove us both back to my house. Samantha had called Margaret and explained the whole story to her too and she was waiting at my house. Samantha and Margaret stayed for awhile and comforted me but I finally told them that I wanted to be alone and they left. So now, I was left all alone. Alone with all my thought. Alone with all these memories. Alone with all this pain. I still had no clue what happened to make Brent not love me anymore. I still had no clue what I did. Just the night before he had said that he loved me and wanted to be with me forever. And he was my first kiss. All I can do is sit here and have all these memories flooding back to my brain. Thanks to Brent, I overcame my great of love but in the end became even more afraid of it than I was before. Thanks to Brent, I'm truly broken. Thanks to Brent, I now realize Cole wasn't my first real love.. Brent was. And Brent broke my heart.

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