Chapter 17

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*Marie's POV*

It was mid-afternoon when we reached a hotel we wanted to stop at. The car was really warm with so many people, plus the air conditioning wasn't working. After much complaining, Kyle finally decided that we could stop. I knew he wanted to keep going to try and reach just a little further to our destination, but he was hot too and just wanted to get out of the car like the rest of us.

"Ah, fresh air!" Josh shouted dramatically, throwing his arms out to either side.

"I know it feels so good." Dan agreed.

"Let's just get inside where it will hopefully be cooler." Ty said lifting his, Cam's and Josh's bags out of the trunk. Kyle carried in everyone else's. We started walking towards the door talking and laughing and we all agreed that we wanted to go swimming first thing.

Since Lizzy and I were talking she wasn't looking where she was going. She must have been expecting for them to open like an automatic door, but instead she slammed into them and stumbled back, landing on her rear end. She looked up at me eyes wide with surprise, I returned the look, then I smiled a little but bit my lip to keep from laughing. After all she hadn't laughed at me when I had had my little incident with a door earlier.

Suddenly all the guys were laughing their heads off hysterically. She turned her gaze on the boys with a set glare.

"I thought it was just Marie that had problems with doors, I guess it's all girls." Cam sputtered still laughing.

"Well, now we know why the guys always open the doors for the girls, don't we?" Ty chuckled, but he said it more as a statement rather than a question.

"Let's not go there again." I huffed.

"Are you okay?" Josh asked Lizzy as he picked her up off the ground. He was still chuckling, but you could tell he was sincere.

"You could've asked that before you started laughing, but yes I'm fine." She replied, looking at her brother.

"Are you sure I mean, is it all girls who injure themselves going through doors or just Marie?" He smirked, glancing in my direction, his teasing manner now back.

I narrowed my eyes at the back of his head. I marched over towards him and punched his arm as hard as I could without hurting my hand. He looked down at me and raised an eyebrow in the way he always does whenever Lizzy or I hit him. I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed. Not very mature, but that's the best I could do.

"Come on Liz! Let's go!" I linked my arm through hers and we started towards the door. We had just reached the door when a voice stopped us.

"Wait!" Cam said holding up his hand. He pulled the door open and bowed like a butler would. I rolled my eyes and we stepped through the door and into the lobby.

"Alright, let's choose our rooms and go for a swim." Josh smiled, rubbing his hands together.

"Already got the rooms, same sleeping arrangements." Kyle said leaning his forearms on the counter. Everyone grabbed their room keys and we stepped onto the elevator. Our rooms were next to each other again. We went to our separate doors and the guys began unlocking and opening the doors. I stopped in front of mine, Lizzy stopped next to me. I shifted on my feet and looked anxiously at Lizzy. We looked at each other for a second, then turned to the guys.

"Hey, could, uh, one of you go with us?" Lizzy called. They turned their heads to look at us. I could see confusion in their eyes, but a second later realisation took over.

"Oh, yeah sure I'll go." Kyle smiled walking over to us.

"I'll go too." Josh said.

I handed Kyle the key and stepped away from the door. He unlocked the door and stepped through, Josh was next to him with Lizzy and I behind. Josh ran his hand along the wall until he found the light switch. When the lights came on, we couldn't see anything but the usual hotel room furniture.

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