Chapter 4

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Sweat is not something that is completely foreign to me. In fact over the years, I've become rather good friends with the sticky, smelly substance. But on the other hand, it isn't a pleasant feeling to wake up gasping for breath, sitting in a pool of your own sweat. Even though it happens nearly every night. I come to my senses by gasping for breath with a sore throat, presumably from screaming, and sitting in a lake of cold sweat. I can never remember what I dream of, though, or what is so scary that it comes back to haunt me every night. My family used to come running in every night. They don't anymore, obviously. I make sure to silence all my screams before I fall asleep, one way or another. 

Sometime I would like to know why I have to be careful when I do sleep though. I've accepted it as part of my daily routine, but I sometimes wonder what it would be like to not have to worry about whether I put a silencing spell on myself or not before I go to sleep. 

Mornings are definitely not my thing. Whoever can wake up all cheery and pink can go die in a hole for all I care. People who are happy in the mornings are a monstrosity. Groaning I rip the soaked sheets off myself and start the long trek to the bathroom only to find that Vic is already in there. He spends more time doing his hair and putting products on his face than I do in the mornings. He always complains that if he gets acne, he wont be able to be a quidditch star anymore. I call bull. 

One thing I have always loved about going to an all boys school, is that you can scare them all out of the bathroom with girly things. Especially those who don't have sisters at home. If you ever just want a nice two hour bath in the prefects bathroom, you just pull out a tampon or two and they can't get away fast enough. That's definitely one thing I am going to miss. And another needed tidbit, if you ever have to share a bathroom with a bunch of gorillas. If you bang on the door long enough and shout girly things at them, they usually shoot out of the bathroom faster than a nerd taking a maths test. 

" VIC! I need to curl my hair, do my makeup, AND shine my heels! I need the bathroom!" 

"What is this makeup you speak of? And is curling your hair those pretty waves that girls always have done? And are you sure you know what heels are?" he replied. I banged my head on the door in frustration and sighed. 

"I'll only be like two minutes. Please? You're being an elephant!" I begged. For being famous and having all the girls swoon over him, Vic really is a huge dumbo sometimes.

"You aren't dying! You can wait. And besides, I'm almost done putting on this muggle cream stuff. It really works Its like magic!" he snorted.

"I'm gonna tell mama." There was silence on the other end, then a loud overdone sigh. 

"FINE," He groaned. I grinned and picked the lock, then threw the door open and marched in. 

"Why didn't you do that in the first place?" he grumbled. 

"I didn't want to see you with your pants off again," I smirked. Vic's cheeks bloomed with colour, remembering the time I walked in on him shaving and dirty dancing at the same time, only in his boxers. I sniggered and turned to my toothbrush smiling. I was in the bathroom for another two minutes and twenty seven seconds on the dot. (Vic timed it.)

 Breakfast is another war zone, when you live with overgrown monkeys. You have to get in and out in record time, before the stamped shows up. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed plenty of bacon and strawberries. Then made my way up the steps to my bedroom where I had a full day planned out.  


I wont do this often, but sorry for the filler chapter and the long wait. More to come soon! And I need a better cover, so if you want to it would be greatly appreciated. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2016 ⏰

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