"I approve." You raised an eyebrow, not quite understanding what Bucky had meant by that. "Of you and Steve. I think you'll be good for him and he'll be good for you. Try to keep him out of trouble?"

You nodded and walked out, leaving Bucky to have a moment to himself. You walked into the kitchen and saw Steve cooking. You wrapped your arms around his chest, greeting him from behind. 

"What you cooking?"

"Bucky's dinner." You nodded. Steve turned around in your arms so that he was now facing you. You looked at him in the eyes, admiring his blue orbs. They shimmered in the light of the electric light-bulb. They look simplistic from afar but the closer you looked the more details there were. You guessed that was like all thing. 

Indistinct from afar. Amazing from a breath space away.

Steve was that in the way that he hid behind his image of captain America. 

Captain america was the hero who would fight for his nation, bravely and incredibly. 

Steve on the other hand was shy, kind, funny and many other things. He was the one who would do what was right not always defined by what the law was. 

That's why you feel for Steve and not the Captain.

He brushed a strange of your hair out of your face, his eyes still strained on your (e/c) ones.  His smile was so innocent you could forget he had also been a warrior. Your smile felt bitter and unreal next to Steve but then whose smile would feel real next to Steve?

"You seem a little distant. You still up for tonight?"

You nodded. Steve gave you a peck on the lips then went back to cooking for Bucky. Steve eyes were hollow as though even though he was smiling he wanted to break down in tears.

"you miss them don't you?" You asked once you had reached the door.

"I do."

You left. Steve wasn't the type of guy who would need comforting. He was the type of guy who needed to think about it and then settle with the facts in silence. When you arrived in your room, you looked around searching for Bucky. Seeing as he wasn't there you thought he might be in his room.

You locked the door and stripped off your clothes, leaving only your undergarments on. You pulled out the dress. It was very wide around the waist but then you noticed a little string. You pulled on it and the dress instantly became thinner around your waist, embracing your curves.

You took a quick look in the mirror and satisfied with yourself lay down on your bed. You sat on your newly bought t-shirt. Stupid was your first thought. Stupid to actually have gone through all the trouble of buying a shirt then wearing a dress. Well, it's always a good idea to have a spare change of clothes.

You would probably wear it as a pj tonight.

There was a light knock on the door. 

"Come in" You answered as you folded your shirt and lay it on your bedside table. You turned around to see a speechless Steve.  Too much? was your first thought and after a minute you voiced it, worried about what Steve's opinion on your dress was.

"No. It's fine. You look... there aren't even words to describe how you look..."

"Good or Bad?"

"Good" Steve answered very quickly. You smiled. You stood there for a minute. Him staring at you and you staring back, biting your lip in the slight unease of being in the spotlight. He was wearing pants, not jeans though and a blouse.

"Sorry. Are you.. Do you want to go?" You responded by a tilt of the head. You walked out of the front door leaving Bucky, and the safety of the house behind.

"Is this something people of this era do often? Are there any regulations or things I need to know about?" You inquired. 

"Not that I know of. I'm new to this to."

"Hard to adapt?"

"You bet." You laughed. The restaurant wasn't far away. Steve, apparently had made reservations because he just spoke to a woman and she seated you at a small table. Two places were already set. She removed the RESERVED sign. 

You sat at the table and ordered your food. You had (your favourite food.) and he took the same. 

"Sooo, How is this supposed to go? Do you ask me questions and I answer? I feels kind of like an interrogation."

Steve laughed and answered: "It shouldn't. Ok What was the craziest thing you've ever done?"

"Jumped in front of a chariot while it was full speed."


"Soldier had fallen down from exhaustion. Never leave your team behind. So I jumped in front of the chariot when I realised he had fallen. I carried him out of harm's way but I got a nasty scar."

You looked at your hand, where the scar one had been was noting. Just smooth skin. 

"What was the craziest thing you've ever done?" You asked

He was about to speak when you cut him off, putting a finger to his lip then adding:

"As Steve Rogers?"

Steve thought for  a while and then smiled as he answered:

"Agreed to go on double-dates with Bucky."

You laughed until your ribs started to hurt. "That bad?"

"Yep." Steve popped the 'p' and explained: "He'd always end up with both of the girls and I would just sneak home before it could get awkward."

"That's not very nice." You poked him in the chest.

"Well they all seemed revealed that I left. We need to get out on these dates more. I feel really bad for not taking you."

You shock your head and answered: "Come on. There wasn't really any time between missions, almost dying. I'd say your doing fine. What was the first thing that made you want to join the army?"

"I just felt a responsibility to do what was right. To fight for my country like all the others on the front lines. You?"

"My story is slightly less noble. You sure you want to hear it?"

Steve just smiled lightly. "Well, I needed to find him and honestly, I was becoming the 'orphan' of the village and I simply hate it when people pity  me."

"Your too strong and independent to deserve anyone's pity." Steve said slightly dreamily.


The food arrived quickly after that. Once you had finished eating, Steve asked:

"Want anything else?"

"No thanks, I'm full but don't let that stop you."

"No I'm full to. I'll pay."

It took you about a minute to walk out of the restaurant. Steve put his arms around you to keep you from shivering. Between both of you, you had forgotten to grab a jacket. The moon was the only light source. It was bright and full.

"They visited it." Steve said.


"The moon."

"They visited the moon?"


"Good for them." You stated.

You reached Bucky's house about half an hour later because you just decided you'd have a stroll through the streets of New York. Steve held the door for you. He escorted you to your door but didn't do any suggestive actions. You smiled, such a gentleman

"Good night." you wispered in his ear.

"Sleep tight." he finished. He kissed you lightly on the lips and smiled as though he just went to his 'fairyland'. 

You gave him one last peck on the mouth and went back in your room. 

The soldiers. Steve Rogers/Captain America x readerWhere stories live. Discover now