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You weren't sure what to expect, your imagination quickly running rampant with how much this would hurt, your eyes closed as tight as you could make them, your whole body tensed tighter than a spring.

You heard the swoosh as the knife sliced through the air, heading straight towards you. A tear trickles down your cheek as you heard the knife collide with something solid.

You waited for the pain to engulf you, expecting a white-hot searing pain worse than anything you had felt before. When it didn't come, you opened one eye, just in time to watch Dean pull the knife from next to your head where he had embedded it in the chair.

Holding it out to Sam, he watched as his younger brother took it, before standing next to him, calmer than before. By this time you had opened both eyes, your body relaxing in relief that you were still alive, muscles you didn't even know you had sore from the tension. Dean could have easily killed you, the look in his eyes showed that he was willing, but something stopped him. Maybe they still need information from you, or he figured he could use you as collateral. Or maybe the tough hunter still had feelings for you no matter how hard he tried to bury them away.

Hoping it was the latter, you felt your breath slowly move back to normal, as Sam looked at Dean in confusion while Dean glared at you, his arms once again crossed in a familiar and confrontational gesture. It was the stance he used when interrogating victims, or getting answers from monsters. It felt weird to have that stance turned on you, to know that you were the one he was going against.

Knowing better than to talk and upset Dean again, you waited quietly, staring at Dean, not backing down from his unwavering green-eyed gaze. It was tense, almost as tense as when he had the knife raised toward you, and multiple times you felt your self wanting to look away but forcing yourself not to.

The unsettling silence was startled by the sound of Dean's ringtone, and he quickly pulled it out of his pocket, frowning at the screen before answering it.

"Hey Crowley. " Dean growled into the phone, taking a couple of steps back to lean against the single metal table that was in the room.

Even with your superior hearing, you couldn't hear what Crowley was saying on the other line, but whatever it was, it didn't make Dean very happy.

"No, why would you think I knew where one of your Demon bitches were?" Dean finally spoke into the speaker, glancing briefly at you before turning his attention to his booted feet.

So Crowley had noticed you were missing. That showed that the King of Hell cared for you enough to at least look for you.

"Listen, I know you sent her to spy on us, so as soon as I get my hands on her, I will..." Dean started to yell in the phone, but Crowley must have cut him off. He stood there, a perplexed look on his face as he listened to whatever Crowley was saying before he was hung up on.

He turned to look at Sam and shrugged his shoulders. "That was one weird conversation. First, he blames us for his favorite Demon missing, which is true, but then he started going on about another Demon we need to watch out for."

Raising an eyebrow, Sam asked for more information. "A new Demon? Why do we have to watch out for this Demon?"

Dean shrugged again. "He said this Demon is very powerful, almost as much as Crowley himself. She's taken out quite a few hunters already."

You knew right away who they were talking about. It was Ebony, the one who had threatened you outside the bar that one day. You had always known she would be trouble, she was one of the oldest and most powerful Demons in hell. She had been Lucifer's pet until he had been thrown back into the cage by Sam. Of course, she would be going after hunters, she was trying to find Sam, and get revenge for Lucifer.

The two brothers were still talking while you had been deep in thought and were turning away to leave the dungeon.

"Wait!" You yelled, easily getting their attention. "I know who this Demon is! She wants to hurt Sam."

Dean came striding over, annoyed at the fact that you would use Sam as an attempt to free yourself. "Why, are you working with her? Planning on two-timing us again?"

You shook your head, so frustrated that no matter what you did, you couldn't get them to understand or believe you. "She would kill me if she saw me again, there's no love lost between us. Please let me help, I promise you won't regret it!"

Dean shook his head, letting you know there was no way in hell he would work with you again. However, Sam had made his way back, and he placed a hand on Dean's shoulder. Dean looked at him in confusion.

"if everything Crowley and Y/N said, we're going to need all the help we can get. Maybe we can work something out." Sam said, trying to reason with Dean.

"Are you crazy Sam? We can't trust her, she'd probably throw us to this Demon the first chance she would get." Dean argued.

"Come on, let's talk about this in the library," Sam replied, and you hoped he would win the argument, and give you a chance to prove yourself once again.

As they left, you threw them one more fact, hoping it would help in your cause. "The reason she wants Sam is for revenge. She was Lucifer's pet, and she wants to bring him back."

Sam's tall back stiffened in shock, the only showing that they had heard you. They kept walking, leaving you alone again in the cold dungeon, once again leaving the door open for light.

A New Life (Dean Winchester X Demon Reader)Where stories live. Discover now