Chapter Thirteen - Unedited

Start from the beginning

We head off through the dark caves, not having a torch to light the way, only our dragon borrowed senses, but they are enough. The eeriness of the caves spooks me, though I make sure not to show it. While I step forward as softly as I can, Christian doesn't do anything as quiet. He takes strong, thunderous footsteps through the caves.

"I never even knew these existed," he says softly after a while of walking.

"Not many people do. Only the advisors."

Christian snorts, "Some advisor I'll be!"

I smirk, "Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it."

We continue to walk through the caves, then suddenly, the floor slopes sharply and is covered in moss, so I slide straight down,

"Christian!" I scream as I slide faster, not able to get a grip. Suddenly, water goes up around me and I emerge into another underground lake.

"Belle? Are you okay?"

I laugh, "Don't worry, it's just another-," I cut short as I see something moving towards me. Panic strikes my heart as I try to scramble up the wall again. Unable to get a grip, I try to focus on what it might be as I push against the wall, trying to jump to the roof. Suddenly, as I thought I would re-enter the water, I begin to slide across something cold and solid. I look down to see ice. It was my panic, I harnessed Kaloua's ice power, something tells me and I grin, standing up and ignore the steering cold pain in my feet.

I hear a crack and see Christian heading through the ice and into the water, having come down after me. I rush over and reach in, pulling him up. He shakes himself off and looks around,

"Didn't you land in water?"

I nod, "Then I saw something in the water and I froze it over in you think you can summon a fire to light the cave, like I summoned ice?"

He shrugs, "I guess I can try..." Then he walks over to a torch and grabs it, then focuses hard. I can tell he wouldn't notice if the world around him exploded because of how focused he is. Suddenly, a small flame flickers at his fingers and he moves them to the torch, and lights it. He snaps out of his focus and smiles at the glowing light, "I actually did it!"

I smile and take the torch from him, looking around, "Woah..."

All around us, the roof and walls, are coated in diamonds, emeralds, rubies and all sorts of other crystals and precious stones. I move over to the wall and touch a clear diamond, it's smooth surface cool under my finger tips.

"There must be billions of coins worth of gems down here..." That's when it hits me, "Arifion was left to guard this rare treasure. That's why you need to pass his den to get through to here! I wonder why it wasn't written anywhere..."

Christian raises a brow, "Isn't it obvious? Salvidor wanted the treasure for himself and once Salvidor died, Arifion couldn't tell anyone about it so it stayed hidden."

I nod, "I guess."

The room seems to travel on for ages as we walk through it. My heart still beats quickly as I know whatever was in the water earlier is still in there. Probably a second defence if Arifion couldn't guard the gems well enough. I watch as Christian slides around on the smooth ice, obviously using his fire element to keep is feet from freezing. I just continue to walk normally.

Soon, we come across a pathway with three turn-offs. I look at each of them thoughtfully,

"Whatever is further, it was obviously the most prized thing in the caves." Though I found that hard to believe, after seeing the thousands, possibly millions, of diamonds and other gems. Christian looks down one tunnel,

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