Shit. She never slept this late. Her first thought was Chase.  Where is Chase? She was about to call out when she saw him sitting on the floor with colours and drawing something.

"Good morning Mommy" he said as soon as he saw that she was awake .

Sharon smiled at him but couldn't reply because of the groggy throat. Sharon realised emotional evening the day before took a toll on her voice.

She cleared her throat before trying again "good morning baby." Her voice sounded scrapped.

"I think it's better you drink some water" Momo said.

Sharon nodded her head before pouring herself a glass of water and drinking it.

"How are you feeling?" Momo asked.

"I'm feeling quite good actually." Sharon said wiping her face with the hand towel Momo gave her.

Sharon decided to completely ignore the presence of Chris. Sharon was sure Chris couldn't come to the conclusion that Chase is his son for two reasons, one Chase looks nothing like him, he is exact replica of Sharon except for those eyes and Sharon could easily argue against that maybe telling blue is such a common colour. And two Chase looks really young than his age like he is 3 but looks like he is 2 and half or something. Sharon always complained to pediatrisian who said that was completely normal in boys until they hit puberty. Now Sharon was happy that happens.

Momo smiled proudly at Sharon. She could see Sharon determined and the woman who is going to cry and run away again. No Sharon won't do that again.

"And I told that little brat you are angry at him, even if you are not pretend you are." Momo whispered.

Sharon chuckled before stealing a glance behind Momo.  Chase was drawing something with complete concentration, his tongue stuck out his hair ruffled. 

"Snap out of that look Sharon and act a little stern with the lad or he would get out of control" Momo scolded her.

Sharon gave a sheepish smile before she went searching for phone.

She found it under the pillows on the sofa. She immediately hit savvy's number.

"Hello Manager of April's gifts speaking."

"Manager huh?!" Sharon chuckled

"Yes Self proclaimed Manager. If you called me to ask whether your Shop is still in one piece then Yes it is, except for the  super cheery employee everything is fine."

"Super cheery?" Sharon asked.

"Oh  yeah... Mira is on cloud nine" she said.

"Is it Sharon?" Sharon heard Mira asking in the background.

"Yes.. She is..." savvy started "wait I will tell her" Sharon heard some shuffling and Mira was on line.

"Sharon.... Thankyou so much. Your advice was best. Yesterday we both talked and do you know what happened?"

"What happened?" Sharon asked.

"He proposed" Mira literally was screaming  and Sharon could imagine how happy She is.

"And what did you say?" Sharon asking exactly knowing what she might have said.

"Yes.... ofcourse I said Yes" Mira replied in a duh tone.

Sharon chuckled before congratulating her on her engagement.

Mira was excitedly explaining her proposal when savvy snatched the phone from her.

"Auh..... Her happiness is contagious." Savvy said and Sharon could imagine her frown.

"Okay, listen up. Close the shop before lunch give Mira halfday and you come home we would have lunch and head to beach, it is such a good day." Sharon said moving the curtains of her front room and she stood their looking.

Ex- husband and babiesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz