Chapter 2 - BACK TO SCHOOL

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Ethan's Pov//
I'm fiddling around with my fingers trying to get some sleep. But it's actually the hardest thing to do right now. Next to me I have Alicia's phone. Every time I look at it, it reminds me of the last time I saw her at the airport. It is the worst memory to have always replayed in your head. Trust me. 

I try closing my eyes but I keep picturing Alicia. I just can't stop thinking about her. I'm just hoping she hasn't gotten over me because I now I haven't, and never will until I say those feelings I have for her. But I know I'll never see her again.

 As for the boys and I, Jakob still can't get over Isabella and is hoping that he'll be able to see her again soon. But they haven't kept in touch with each other since the last time we were in America.

 As much as Chris loves music, he has been teaching some young girls and boys who are interested on learning how to ride a skateboard and has been doing some coaching lessons with them. He teaches them in his backyard. Chris has got a good size skate ramp which has enough room to teach the kids. And he's loving it!! But he's also been thinking about Alanna lately and been wondering how she's been going. Chris thinks there might be something going on between the two of them but he doesn't know if Alanna likes him in that type of way he does...

Okay so if you're wondering, Chris admitted that he likes Alanna when we were on the plane heading back to Australia. He thought we would've bumped into the girls again at the airport and then he would've told Alanna everything that he was thinking about. But I guess that didn't happen and i was also hoping we bumped into them again also...

I now have to get Alicia out of my head and move on as I'll be starting at a new school tomorrow with different students and teachers where hopefully I'll be able to make a couple of new friends. I'm just hoping people will treat me the same and the boys (Chris and Jakob) as we're known to be in a band called 'In Stereo.'

Alicia's pov//
I'm having the most weirdest dream right now and I don't even know why!? My dream is set in one of the class rooms at my school and I can see Isabella and Alanna sitting next to me on desks on both sides. I'm guessing we're in a maths class because the whole class is doing some maths questions on Algebra. I hate Algebra.

 I can also see my creepy looking Maths teacher standing at the front of the room putting up some confusing math equations and terms up onto the whiteboard that i clearly have no clue of. It just looks like random letters and numbers put together. Suddenly the class gets interrupted by a knock at the door. 

I look around at all the students and all their eyes are glued to whoever is standing at the door. I turn to see but my vision is all blurry and it's slowly fading away. I try to catch it but it's gone. That's when I wake up. And my mum is yelling from down stairs, "ALICIA HURRY UP AND GET READY YOU DON'T WANT TO BE LATE ON YOUR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!"

"OKAY MUM! I'LL BE READY AND DOWN THERE IN A FEW MINUTES!!" I tell her still lying in my bed half awake. As i get up from out of my bed, I start to wonder.. why was everyone's eyes glued to whatever was standing at the door? I don't understand? Was it like someone famous or something? Or was it something else? I don't bother to think about that anymore but instead put on my summer school uniform. I then grab my hair brush and put my long brown hair into a high pony tail, as i usually do, and grab my black shoe laced shoes and put them on. 

I rush down stairs and grab a piece of toast. I have a glass of milk and off i go. I grab my school bag which one day i guarantee I'll have back problems when i get older because of the weight and the stuff I carry in there. I say goodbye to my mum and close the front door behind me when I leave.

 I usually take the bus to school with Alanna and Isabella but i guess we all stopped doing that now so instead I just walk on my own to school. It's not a long walk from my house to school. It takes about a 5 minute to 10 minute walk. It just depends on my walking pace I guess. 

As I arrive at school and enter the gates of hell, I see Dylan coming towards me. He opens his arms and gives me a big hug. 

"Alicia! It's been so long since I last saw you!!" He says, giving me a tight squeeze.

 "I know. It's been ages since the last time I saw you too!" I say. "Well. Do you want to get to class? The bells just about to go!" He says looking at me.

 "Yeah we better get going." I say, "We don't want to be late to class on the first day back!" We then both walk into our first class. Maths.

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