Truth Comes Sleepily

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I was walking down the road towards the store thinking of my best friend Dan. Well, he's not just my friend anymore. I really like him. I have had a crush on him since middle school and here we are graduates. So I think I'm in love with him. Of course he has no clue. I did take acting lessons so I can act like I am not completely head-over-heels in love with him, but who knows? Maybe he does have feelings for me and he's hiding too. He did take that acting class with me now that I remember. Duh! We were inseparable, we still are now. I had to pry him off of me to get to the store because we need food. Dan eats it all. Me, Dan, and Phil are flatmates and Phil is out and about the streets of London.

So now back to my train of thought. I need to get some food and head back home.


*Dan's POV*

Y/N needs to get back soon! I miss her already! I've been sitting here pouting since she pushed me off of her and pretty much ran out the door to the store. I just wanted a hug! She always pushes away from me when I hug her for a while. I don't think she knows I have had feelings for her since middle school. I hide it because I can since I took that acting class, but now that I think of it she's the one that made me take it with her so she can act too. Maybe she's acting too! Wait...why would she be acting? Wouldn't she want me to know? Oh she doesn't know I love her so she's going to pretend that she doesn't love me. Oh I get it! Good thinking Dan!

"Dan! Open the door!" Y/N yelled and kicked the door. What a nice touch! *Clue Sarcasm*

"Coming!" I jogged to the door and opened it, when I did she fell.

"Ouchie!" She said looking at me pouting.

"How did that happen?" I inquired.

"I forgot I was leaning against the door." She whispered so I wouldn't hear because I immediately started laughing.

"Hey! Help get the stuff in the kitchen and help me get up please."

"Oh alright" I picked her up and set her down beside me and picked up the bags and headed to the kitchen with her trailing behind me.

"Can you put them on the counter Dan?" I placed everything down and started unpacking it and lined them out. She proceeded to put things away. She readied everything for dinner and I helped cook it when Phil walked in the house.

"Hey guys, do you want to perhaps watch a movie in the living room after?" Phil asked hopefully.

"Yeah sure Phil just pick one out now and set it up in the parlor for after dinner." She said in her Bostonian accent. Did I mention I love her accent?

"She finshed dinner and we all ate together, cleaned up, and sat down on the couch to watch the movie.

I sat on the right end then Y/N sat next to me then Phil sat on the floor.

As we were watching the movie she started to lean on my shoulder and her eyelashes fluttered frequently as she tried to fight off sleep. I grabbed the blanket next to me and placed it on her as she finally slept. Her head was in the crook of my neck, her breath tickling me. One thing I heard though was her mumbling in her sleep.

"Dan, I love you." she mumbled into my neck.

"I love you too, Y/N." I whispered in her ear. I picked her up and brought her to her bed and gently layed her down. She wouldn't let go of my shirt so I had to lay down with her.

"Stay and sleep." She said as she started to wake up.

"I can't Y/N, you know that." She woke up and hugged me close burying her face in my neck.

"Dan, I love you so much and I have for years. Please don't forget that." She said when she pulled back.

"How could I forget? I love you Y/N. I have for the longest time. I can't even fathom what my life would be like without you." I said looking into her bright eyes that are so captivating.

She leant into me and layed onto my chest listening to my heartbeat. She looked up at me and I felt myself lean down and kiss her lips with so much love and gentleness. It was everything I would imagine it would be. I reluctantly pulled back for a breath and she smiled her dimpled smile. The one I fell in love with. She layed down on her bed and patted next to her. I layed down right beside her and scooped her towards me. I held her protectively towards my chest and smiled down at her.

"Y/N, I have been wanting to ask you for the longest time. Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked and she breathed out a yes and snuggled into me. I was the happiest person in the world. She said yes!

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