Chapter 10: Bill who?

Start from the beginning

Later, back at the cabin (Y/N) sat in the living room as Bill floated next to her, while Mabel sat next to (Y/N) and Dipper paced back and forth looking through the journal. "Hurry up with a solution Pine Tree we don't have all day." Bill said as he became annoyed. "I'm trying." Dipper said as he continued flipping through the book. "Well you're not ? trying hard enough." Bill said as he floated in front of Dipper and glared at him. "It's more than you're doing right now! I mean for an 'all knowing' demon you sure don't have answer for how to fix this!" Dipper yelled as him and Bill glared at each other. "Guys stop it, fighting isn't going to help get (Y/N)'s memories back. We should calmly think about this." Said Mabel and she looked at (Y/N) who sat there confused. "(Y/N) you remember us, good ol Dipper and Mabel you're awesomely lovable and cute cousins." Mabel said as she smiled at (Y/N). (Y/N) shook her head then Mabel's smile faded. "I'm sorry I don't know who any of you are or why you have me here. I honestly don't even remember my own name but I'm assuming it's what you guys keep calling me." (Y/N) replied. "You don't even remember Gruncle Stan?" Dipper asked. "Um...Who's Gruncle Stan?" Asked (Y/N) "Ok ok so maybe there's a way to somehow restore her memory, Bill you should know a thing or two on how to do that right?" Asked Dipper. "I'm a dream demon kid not a memory demon." Bill replied. "Is there a memory demon who could do that." Asked Dipper. "Sure kid but it's been dead for the last billion years so we're out of luck." Bill said as he rolled his eye.

"Hmmm there has to be something we can do but what." Dipper asked. "Hey Pine Tree (Y/N)'s an archeologist right? She studied mysteries things as well maybe she has something in her findings about memories or something." Bill said. "Never thought I'd say this but you're right Bill but she has piles and piles of notes! How are we ever gonna find what we need without taking all summer." Dipper panicked. "Well we better get started if we're gonna help (Y/N) she has to remember us eventually..right?" Mabel asked nervously. Bill and Dipper looked at each other with doubt in their eyes before looking back at Mabel. "Let's hope so." Dipper replied. Bill started at (Y/N) never taking his eye off her. Mabel heard a call from out the open door of the cabin, "Dipper Gruncle Stan is looking for us I think we should get going." Mabel said. "And leave (Y/N) who has no memory here with Bill as if!" Dipper said as he looked at Bill. "What you think I'm gonna do something to her?" Bill smirked. "Come on Dipper we can't let Gruncle Stan find out what happened we have to keep this on the down low til we can find a way to get her memory back. Besides Bill likes her I doubt he'll try anything on her she doesn't like." Mabel said as Bill snickered at her comment and Dipper glared at him. "Fine but from now on we stay in the cabin with her til we can figure out how to get her memories back after we ask Gruncle Stan." Dipper said as both the twins went out the door to go to the shack.

Bill snapped his fingers and repaired the damaged door of the cabin and closed it. He looked at (Y/N) and twirled his Cain as he approached her. He smirked as he looked down at the confused girl in front of him. "Since you have no idea who they are or who I am how about we re-introduce ourselves. The names Bill Cipher." Bill said as he bowed and tipped his hat off before putting it back on and standing up, he then took (Y/N)'s hand in his and stood her up as he twirled her with him in a dance fashion. "I'm also the one who made you feel good last night and by that I mean we definitely had some great sex and I wish to experiment and see if we can make it more exciting, last night was the beginning." Bill said as he smirked and leaned into (Y\N)'s face. (Y/N) blushed and gently pushed Bill away, "So then if that happened doesn't that make you my Boyfriend or the man I love or something?" (Y/N) said as that question surprised Bill but he continued to smirk. "Why yes it does." He replied. "So um...I'm sorry I don't know what happened or what's going on or who those twins were but from what you said I'm assuming me and you are close so maybe you can tell me what I was like. I'm kinda..eager to figure out I was. I'm just too confused right now so some reassurance would be nice." (Y/N) said as she looked at Bill with saddened eyes. Bill blushed and avoided her eyes, "Sure how about you just sit back down and I'll walk you through you're name and who the twins are." Bill said still blushing and avoiding eye contact. (Y/N) sat back down on the couch and stared at Bill like a child who waited for the teacher to speak. Bill blushed more when he looked at her, "Damn this girl it's like she just magically got cuter or something." Bill mumbled to himself before brushing off his red face and cleared his throat.

"First take off that ponytail or bun thing in you're hair then we can begin talking." Bill said as he looked at (Y/N). She obliged by doing what he asked and took her hair down and let it fall down. She then looked up at Bill as he stared at her with a 'wow' look. Bill once again cleared his throat again. "Well from what you can see I'm not human, I'm actually a dream demon, and this human appearance I have is because of you." Bill said as he pointed at himself hovering. "The twins are you're cousins who you just met a couple months ago, you're an archeologist who lives to see the Beauty of all the worlds mysteries, you can play the piano beautifully and sing just as well, you dance pretty good for an amateur, you're abnormally extremely smart and I like that, you're very loved by you're cousins as you can see and you're Uncle too. Enough overwhelming you with stuff how about we go for a walk in the woods." Bill asked as he smirked. "A-Alright." (Y/N) said as she got up from the couch as Bill opened the door for her as she walked out and followed behind.

Meanwhile At the shack up in the twins room Dipper paced back-and-forth while Mabel stared at him laying in the bed. "You don't think (Y/N)'s gonna have her memory lost forever do you?" Mabel asked. "No because we aren't gonna let that happen we've already made too many awesome memories with her we can't just let them all disappear forever! There has to be something, something that'll give her back her memories." Dipper said as he flipped through the journal. "You find a way to do that I'm gonna go try to convince Gruncle Stan to let us stay with her for awhile, be back!" Mabel said as she ran out the door. Dipper continued flipping through the journal and came across a picture with Bill Cipher, Dipper rolled his eyes at the picture and turned the page only to find a picture of a sapphire shaped Raindrop. "Hey this looks like cousin (Y/N)'s birthmark." Dipper read the page and became surprised. "This rare sapphire gem can command any fictional element the user wants and make it reality but this can only be accomplished if a type of deal is made by a rare but dangerous demon. The user must engulf the gem by his blue flames in order for it to wake the creations of the user but must give up something in order to gain something. Wait a minute, Demon. Blue flames." Dipper turned back to the other page that has Bills picture. "Bills the key!?"

I'll update soon sorry for the lag I wanted to get two chapters out this time before getting overflowed with work but I'll Update soon. Thank you all and I'm happy you like the story so far I hope I'm not losing anyone's interest in this, anyway Thank you again for all the support you guys are the reason I live to write! 💙💙💙

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