Meeting Mr. Rask

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My eyes widen.

"Are- are you Tuukka Rask?" I ask, my voice shaking a little bit.

He smiles. "Yes I am."

My mouth drops open and I start poking my wrist. Tuukka gives me an odd glance.

"What would you be doing....?"

I look up at him and then say matter-of-factly, "I'm poking myself to make sure I'm awake and not dreaming."

Tuukka grins. "Well, you aren't dreaming. I'm real, and so are you. You ran into me pretty hard."

My cheeks burn. "I'm so sorry about that, um, Mr. Rask," I say, embarrassed.

"Don't be embarrassed, you didn't knock me over, and you don't have to call me Mr. Rask. It feels weird to be called that; it makes me sound older. Call me Tuukka."

I nod. "Sure, Tuukka."

He smiles. "Good. Now, if you don't mind me asking, what's your name? Because you know mine, and I can tell you're a fan from that very nice jersey you are wearing."

I nod, still shocked, before saying, "My name's Alexandria Leighton, but everyone calls me Alex."

Tuukka raises his eyebrows as he holds out his hand. "Leighton, huh? Are you by any chance related to Leighton from the Flyers?"

I shake his hand and say, "No relation."

Tuukka grins again. "Alex, when you ran into me, you caught yourself pretty quick. Are you a goalie at all?"

I take a breath. "Um, yes, I am a goalie. I play for the Blades and I'm training to go to the Olympics. I have a pretty good shot at making the team too."

Tuukka nods slowly, approving. "Very nice. Again, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you? To go to the Olympics must mean that you're fairly young."

I straighten up. "I'm 24 and I'll be 25 in a month."

"So, pretty close to my age," Tuukka says.

"Yes," I nod.

He opens his mouth to say something but gets cut off by my phone blaring its ringtone.

"Ahh! I'm so sorry! It's my roommates, looking for me," I explain to him.

Tuukka holds his hands out. "Take the call. I'm not going to disappear into smoke. I'll still be standing here."

I nod and answer my phone. "Alexandria Leighton, where are you?" Amy's voice is shrill.

"I got held up at the Garden and missed the bus," I lie. "I'm coming home as fast as I can, but I'm just going to walk rather than wait for the bus for 35 minutes and then walk from the stop home," I explain to her, keeping my fingers crossed she'll believe me.

Amy sighs and I hear Kate talking to her in the background, and then it sounds like Amy puts her hand over the phone to talk to Kate. I roll my eyes and look at Tuukka. He has his phone out, and the light is glinting off of his dark hair. He can obviously sense me watching him, because he looks up, his eyes flashing towards me. I drop my gaze quickly, but not quick enough. His gray-blue eyes catch my brown ones and I blush slightly as he smiles. I sigh on the phone and shift, cracking my neck.

"Hello? Amy?" I say into the phone.

Amy takes her hand off the phone. "What Alex?" She snaps, obviously annoyed.

"Just wondering if you cared where I was, or if you remembered me," I return icily.

"I have something else to do. Just make sure you're back by 12," Amy says angrily.

"Bye Amy," I say nastily before ending the call without hearing her reply. I turn my phone off and stick it in my sweatshirt pocket, annoyed.

"Sorry about that, Amy can get mad really quick," I apologize to Tuukka.

"Nah, it's okay. You're a natural hockey player- strong, and quick to anger!" He laughs.

I grin despite my annoyance. "The only good thing is, by the time I get home, she won't even care. Amy usually gets all worked up into a frazzle and then drops. I'll probably walk in the door and she'll come up to me and ask if I want Chinese food or pizza for dinner."

Tuukka raises an eyebrow. "Interesting."

"Sorry. I didn't mean to bore you to death with my life, you're an NHL superstar after all!"

Tuukka laughs. "You aren't boring me at all, Alex! You're talking to me like I've known you for 10 years rather than 10 minutes," he explains, smiling. I smile back at him before checking the time. 11:25.

"I probably should get going, I'm going to have to sprint back to my apartment," I say apologetically to Tuukka, frowning. His face falls, just slightly, before he regains his composure.

"Hang on Alex. Can I text you?"

My mouth falls open and I blush a bit before stuttering, "Uh, uh, uh, sure!"

"Great," Tuukka smiles as he hands me his iPhone 5. I open Contacts and put in: Alexandria Leighton and then my number.

I look up at him. "Do you want me to take a profile picture?"

Tuukka thinks for a moment before responding. "Uh, sure. Go ahead."

"Okay!" I click on the picture and choose 'Take Picture'. I hold his phone away from me and smile as I take the picture. After cropping it, I press the 'Done' button and hand it back to Tuukka. "Here you go."

"Thanks," Tuukka says. "I'm texting you right now."

I grin as my phone blinks. I open my messages and see that I got a new text. 'Hey Alex' is what it says. I press 'Add to Contacts' and add the number as Tuukka Rask. I hold my phone out to Tuukka.

"Do you want to take a profile picture?" I ask him.

Tuukka takes my phone and snaps a picture of himself and then hands my phone back to me. I smile and text back, 'Hey Tuukka'.

"If that's all, I really should be going. I need to get back home."

Tuukka just barely bites the inside of his lip. "What street do you live on?" He asks.

I blink before saying, "Uh, North Gillian street. Why?"

Tuukka goes slightly pink as he says, "I, uh, thought I could, um, maybe, uh, drive you home?"

I turn pink as well. "You don't have to do that, I can use the exercise."

His cheeks turn a slightly darker shade of pink as he says, "I insist, Alex."

I sigh. "Okay, fine. But, um, don't drive me to my house, you can drop me off like a block away or at the closest bus stop so it looks like I caught the bus."

Tuukka nods. "That's fine. Let me just grab my wallet from the locker room." He starts to go downstairs.

"Do I follow you or...?" I ask him. Tuukka stops and motions for me to follow him.

"Come on Alex. You get to see the Bruins locker room."


Author's Note

Hello! This is my first fan fiction about the Bruins, and I like it! I'm also writing another one, but I'm not sure I'm going to publish it.
Note: Alex, Amy, and Kate are made up characters.
But thank you for reading this! :)
Bleed Black and Gold my goalies,


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