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        When the walls slowly slammed open and we breached the gate, it felt like a whole other world... almost.  But it would almost be childish to think so because when I look around I just see all of the same. These tall towers and brick walls keep all the same secrets, tell all the same lies.  As the guards in front of me slow their horses, I shift my weight on the saddle and lightly tug on Midnights reins until he slows. We come to a stop in front of Ned Stark and his family. I proceed to roll eyes as I watch my prepubescent brother and one of the girls shameless ogle each other. Huffing I lift my right leg over the saddle and ungracefully hop off of my horse, brushing dirt and debris from my skirt as I pass Midnight's reins to Vera who guides him to the stables.
        I walk over to stand next to Joffrey, who in the span of time that we have been here has achieved his most pompous pose of all time, and is still staring at that girl with a large smirk on his face.  I think I have heard Cersei talk about her before, Sansa I think her name is; I have never met her before but Joffrey is supposedly going to marry her. I am almost 300 percent sure this is just to bridge the bond between the north and south, father always had trouble controlling the strong-willed, loyal people who live in this region. Therefore the Starks are literally the key to the north and their daughter is the perfect person to get them through the door.
I feel bad for her.
        But that is just the way the world is , I am surprised my father hasn't pushed me into the arms of an old man yet.
        When I finally properly examine the Starks. I see a young boy with long hair who is examining everyone around him, the girl beside him who looks like she doesn't want to be there at all shifting from one leg to the other repeatedly, then Sansa Stark who was still staring at my brother... gross, after her was who I can only presume is the eldest, Robb who I haven't seeing since he was a foot tall.  Ok... creepy flashbacks.
        I watched all the Starks bow as Father approaches Ned, my uncle and my fathers former brother-in-law briskly. He motions for them to stand, examining Ned and his family. "You got fat." He says after a few tense seconds. Ned takes one look at him and the exasperated faces of his family and nods at my fathers stomach, causing father to laugh loudly and reach out to hug him moving on to greet the rest of the family, which in turn causes my posture to slack, the nerves falling away.
        That could of gone worse.
        Cersei approaches from the carriage walking slowly over to her husband where she is also greeted warmly.
        Getting right down to business my father says. " Take me you your crypt," walking away from the group. " I want to pay my respects."
        " Oh my god." I whisper.   My hand that was previously gripping on to the fabric of my skirt freezes. The prospect of maybe seeing my mother again even if only her grave, makes my heart almost jump out of my chest, I haven't seen her since they laid her down, her body stilled, skin blue. That is my last memory I have of her.
        That was the last time I was here.
I go to reach for my father, one foot steps out in front of the other and I don't know why.
        To ask him not to go?
        To bring me with him?
But in then end I was pulled back to my brothers side by his strong grip on my forearm. Joffrey stands up on his toes to whisper in my ear a reassurance
" Don't do anything stupid Arabella, we don't want to cause a scene"
        Sighing in response to my brothers true words, I resolve to just stand still. " I know it is just tempting, the thought of her..."
        "You can visit her later." Joffrey says stiffly trying to keep attention off of us.
        "We've been riding for weeks." Cersei argues trying to deter her husband from doing something she doesn't approve of.
        But in the end, Cersei backed off and let father do what he wanted like always, him leaving with Ned anyway.
        "Well that's our cue to disperse." I say with a small smile nudging Joffrey with my shoulder.
        "Mother is going to throw a fit." Joffrey says smirking turning to look at me.
        "Exactly and I don't want to be around when that happens," I said as I pulled him from the scene. "Let's find our rooms brother."

While Joffrey soon abandoned me to unpack in his room. ( I think he actually packed more than I did)
I was left to wonder the castle. There is this strange sense of wonder that accompanies my confusion as I realize I am lost, no clue where I am or where I am supposed to be. Its odd because I never really left the castle and if I did I always had a guard accompany me, I've never felt lost before.  I turn around to backtrack to where I started, when I catch sight of someone entering one of the rooms.
"Wait," I call, jogging over to the tall figure who's head slightly turned to look at me from the corner of their eyes. "I was wondering if you could help me find my room. I thought maybe I could find it on my own, but in the end I found that wasn't the case."  I say, my tone soaked in humility.
        The person turns slightly and looks down at me behind a head of long curly hair. It's just Robb, I thought it would be a hand. "Arabella." I say reaching out a hand for him to shake, seeing as he probably doesn't have any idea who I am.
        Glancing at me he takes a step back, his face contorting into a look of confusion, looking from my face to my hand. "Robb," He mutters. Turning and walking in the opposite direction. "Follow me."
        I quicken my pace to catch up with him. 
        We walk in silence for awhile, him leading me through the dining hall and more terribly long hallways. "You have a lovely home.  I wish I could stay here forever, It's a breath of fresh air," I said, turning to look at him; taking my eyes from a particularly fascinating tapestry.
He looks at me out of the corner of his eye mumbling something in reply.
"What?" I say in question.
"Nothing." He responds quickly like he almost let out a close guarded secret.
The hallways just turn into a blur of grey and fur after a while, and Robb is still holding onto his whole awkwardly quiet front he's got going on, my eyes are locked onto his back as he leads me down another dimly lit hallway lined with doors.
"This should be your room," He says, startling me from my zone, as he roughly turns around pulling open a door on his right. " If you need any more help, my sister Sansa is next door, and Arya the younger one is down the hall." He says in a steady tone backing up to let me enter.
I take carful steps into the room, noticing my bags were already placed on my bed.
"Thank you, for your help," I say as I turn around to face him. "Robb."
But he was already gone.

It took less than an hour to settle into my room, the walls were cold brick like the rest of the castle, with a wood four-poster bed that was currently covered with a thick fur blanket that looked a lot like the pelts hanging from every surface.  There was a window on the far right wall next to the fire that overlooks the courtyard and the fire was already lit when I entered.  Overall this room is 10 times more cozy than my room back in Kings Landing.
The sun starts to set before I get the first knock on my door. "Come in," I call from my bed tucking some last minute things into my bedside table.
The door opens slowly revealing Sansa. "Um... Hi." She says from the open door way.
"Hello." I reply with a smile.
"Mother wanted me to tell you dinner was ready." she said tugging on one of the many braids in her hair.
" Oh," I say as I quickly stand up from my temporary bed, brushing my hands over my dress to ease out the wrinkles in the fabric. "Lead the way."
Sansa gives me a short smile as she turns and walks out of the room I follow her pulling my door shut behind me.
On the way down the youngest, Arya runs past. " Come on. Don't want to be late." she says as she runs down a staircase.
" You heard her." I say.
I bunch my dress up in my hands pulling up my skirt and chase after her. Sansa gives me a surprised almost annoyed look as she follows me and soon all three of us a running down the halls of the castle, me almost tripping on the bottom step of a random staircase... which led straight into the dining hall.
Arya was already sitting at the table by the time I got there along with everyone else and Sansa makes a full stop right beside me dropping her skirt to help steady me.
I let out a burst of laughter as I stand up straight proceeding to pat Sansa on the back.
"Thank you." I say, she smiles in return on the edge of laughter.
" You always have to have all the attention in the room don't you?" Joffrey say as he bumps shoulders with me moving to take a seat next to Cersei.
" Oh, hush" I say following his lead, him sitting on the other side of the table and me moving to sit next to my uncle Tyrion.
"I was just trying to have some fun, you should try it Joffrey."

Authors Note
Haven't wrote on this story in a while I fear I may have been rather rusty.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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