Moving day chapter 1

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So there is a families that has to move to a new home well the home has not been in use for Many years so well it took about an hour to git thar anyhow the 5 kids decided to go see their room because they'll had to share a room One of them was three Yother was for the other was five the other was eight and the other was 10 well as they explore their new home they found the swamp outback that nobody would want to go into for that matter nobody went into it at all besides one hobo man that went missing so the kids decided to go in there's a steep marsh between them and The other side of the ground well they found a bloody mattress so they decided to flip it over and see what was under it well it was freshly dug dirt so they Doug until they found the old hole cut in half but his wounds were already Carter iced like he was burned in half then the oldest heard something so we decided to go see what it what will then they heard a loud scream coming from an older brother and his sounded like he was telling them to run will they sat there and then they heard squelching in the bog then they saw their brother burned into like something and burned him in half and he was screaming run so they took off to their house they went into the room and hid under the blankets hoping that what ever just killed their brother did not come for them

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2016 ⏰

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