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Part One

Gallagan stared into the eyes of the tiny black dragon perched on his lap. He was hypnotised... The dragon's deep golden irises seemed to glow as they stared at each other, and her pupils seemed to pulsate, the signs that the dragon was entrancing the man and preparing to kill. But the baby was recently hatched, and unsteady on her feet, and promptly fell onto the floor in an ungainly heap before managing to complete the spell. Gallagan, snapped out of his dreamlike state, leapt up onto his feet and backed up against the wall. But upon seeing how helpless the creature looked stumbling around, he hesitantly stepped closer.

The hatchling couldn't have attacked him normally; he was an apt magician and fighter, but he was travelling and the cave seemed like the best place to stay for the night. The baby must have hatched while he was sleeping and decided to take advantage of his dormant state. At least the parents weren't home. Gallagan shivered at the thought.
He knelt down beside the dragon and started to stroke her, staring in wonder at the magnificent beast before him, so tender and fragile in his arms. She looked up at him, but this time there was no anger or I'll- intent in her eyes. Only confusion, and eventually gratitude and love. And at that moment was born an unbreakable bond between magician and dragon. For never before in history had dragons been thought of as intelligent creatures able to love, only heartless killing machines.

And so it was on that day that Gallagan made it known to the world that dragons were not untameable monsters, but our friends and allies, and that select magicians should be chosen to ride them and protect the magical world.
At first these suggestions were opposed t and scorned, but everyone who lay eyes upon the pair could not deny the bond the shared. And so, eventually, the world came to accept dragons, and the magician school Gallagan was headmaster of was created into a Dragon Rider school too, with a special house for those select few.

On their own, Gallagan and his dragon, Adalinda, made huge progress and discovered things about each other that would change the world. Between them, they found out that through their bond they could talk to each other through their minds, but not to anyone else. Gallagan told his dragon about their world, and how it was divided between magicians who used magic and wands and humans who relied on science and had no magical powers at all. And in turn, Adalinda told her rider about dragons and their ways. How their were only eight types of dragon, all a different colour and personality a dragon can only mate once, and how it would give birth to seven eggs, one of every colour dragon apart from the black.

"We are the most powerful. The shadow dragons. Any who cross us die. Only a black dragon may give birth to a black dragon, and that shall happen before he dies. Therefore, only a couple of shadow dragons will be alive at a time. That way there is less competition for he throne. Oh yes, my rider. It is destined for us to rule unchallenged, along with seven other of the most powerful, different coloured dragons. A black dragon and it's rider should be in charge of this world. It is right. It is meant to be."

Gallagan recorded everything he learnt in a series of books called the Dragon Chronicles, and he was filling book after book with information. Meanwhile, Adalinda kept growing, and by her first birthday was the size of a small horse. Though was clear she was going to grow a lot more. Gallagan ordered for the Dragon Roost to be built; a place big enough for a number of dragons to live in comfort. And so the Kingdom continued to grow, and settled into peace once again. And everything was good.

It was not two years later that the King died. He was childless, and his wife and the rest of his family had died in a fire many years back. So his final words named Gallagan as his heir. Gallagan took the throne willingly, and he and Adalinda ruled with a firm but gentle hand, doing the best they could. The time came for Gallagan to marry, and he chose a kind and beautiful wife by the name of Isabelle. Together they had eight children, but due to the lesson Adalinda had given Gallagan long ago, it was not his eldest son that would rule, but the child Adalinda's black dragon chose.

Eventually, the time of Gallagan's death grew close. He could feel himself weakening and so encouraged Adalinda to fly out and find a wild dragon to mate with. The anxious Adalinda left immediately, afraid that her rider would die while she was away. She was gone for just over a month, and when she returned, Gallagan was hanging to the last threads of life. Stomach sagging, Adalinda gave birth to eight eggs, one red, one orange, one yellow, one green, one blue, one purple, one pink and one black. She kept them overheated so they would hatch early. She wanted her master to see his heir. Gallagan cast spell after spell with his wand, keeping himself alive despite the dreadful pain.
And finally, on one fateful Tuesday, it happened. Crack. The red egg shook and started to split open.
"The fire dragon," Andalinda hissed, "the fighter, the bravest dragon, the strongest dragon... It is hatching."
And with a final lurch the small red dragon tumbled out onto the floor. It sat up and observed every child before stalking towards Erolen, the second oldest son and the best fighter. Crick. The orange egg rattled and started to roll across the floor.
"The music dragon," said Andalinda. "The most cheerful, most humorous dragon is second to hatch..."
The orange baby finally managed to break it's way out and shook itself to loosen any sticky pieces of egg. It fixed it's eyes on each of the children before marching towards Arabella, the funniest of the princesses. Thump. The yellow egg tipped over and bounced forwards a couple of meters.
"The light dragon. The most beautiful dragon of all. It is about to hatch."
The dragon managed to crack the shell open and blinked at everyone in the room. It soon made up it's mind and pranced towards Aric, a proper blond haired blue eyed prince. Next hatched the green dragon, the nature dragon, the smartest of them all. It chose Renee, the cleverest princess. Then came the blue water dragon, the dreamer of the group. She chose Derik, the Prince that was always daydreaming. The proud and loyal purple storm dragon hatched next, and walked to stand by Celia who would insult anyone who insulted her, or her family. And second to last, the kind pink crystal dragon hatched, and immediately headed to Charles, the prince that always managed to love his siblings no matter what.
And last but not least the black dragon egg cracked in half. The hatchling staggered across the floor, closely watched by his mother, and stumbled towards the last prince, Rupert. Upon seeing his son named heir, Gallagan released his spells and faded into the depths of the afterlife. And hence was born the first generation of dragon riders.

The Kingdom was divided into eight equal countries, each ruled by a dragon and it's rider. And the world was in peace once again. But it wouldn't last long...

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