Crossing Lines

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Chapter One

To Dream Of Things To Come

Babylon 5

Earth Alliance Space Station

January 22, 2271

5:30am Earth Standard Time

Captain Elizabeth Loughley arose to the sound of her alarm going off in her quarters, and shook her head to help clear her mind from the intense dream she had just been experiencing in her sleep. She arose from her bed and made her way to the bathroom, where she took full advantage of having one of the few water showers on the station. The hot water didn't last long in the shower, but she used every second of her allotment of it to help clean her body and clear her mind.

Once done with washing up, she brushed her teeth in the mirror and began to think over the dream she had. She could only remember a few details,
but she remembered the feeling that the dream was almost real. She could only remember being on an alien world, perhaps Minbar, but there were none of the familiar bone-crested, bald headed Minbari around. Instead,
there was a woman, seemingly Human, with long blond hair and a long,
flowing blue dress. Loughly remembered talking with the woman, and the woman responding, but the actual words of what were said escaped her.

Loughley decided to forget about the dream and get herself dressed and ready herself for the day. The automated coffee pot had already brewed up the freeze-dried instant java that she had managed to acquire from a trader on a run from Orion 7, and she poured herself a big cup. After a brief glance at the clock, she decided to take a few moments to finish up the chapter of the book that she had been reading the night before.

It was then that the flash of light overcame her, and when it ended, she was on the world in her dreams.

It definitely looked like Minbar, what with the crystalline structures of the city in the foreground similar to the ones in Tuzinor, the only city on Minbar that she had visited. It was the home of the Interstellar Alliance, born out of the ashes of the Shadow War, now ten years gone.
However, the skyline was definitely different from that of where her ex-husband, who was also the former commander of Babylon 5 and current president of the Alliance, and his current wife resided with their son.

Loughley began to walk towards the city, and she took note of the many differences. The city lacked the various gardens and fountains found in the typical Minbari city, and the sky was a different shade of blue than that found on Minbar. It felt warmer as well, especially as she made her way to the heart of the city.

It seemed to be deserted, void of any life whatsoever. However, she suspected that someone was here, and that it was the woman in her dreams. She turned the corner and saw that the dominant structure of the city, a palace of some sort, was before her. It was on the top of a small hill, and as she made her way up towards it, she saw something move out of the castle. Just like she was expecting, it was the woman of her dreams.

They made an interesting contrast: Loughley's brunette hair and athletic body to the lithe blond hair of this woman before her. However, despite appearances, the lithe woman radiated a strength that impressed her.

Loughley managed to speak to her, "Who are you?"

The blond woman smiled and spoke with a voice as soft as a whisper, "My name is Starsha, and this planet that you are on is Iscandar."

Loughley shook her head, because she had never heard of such a planet.
"Why am I here?"

"You are here because I need to tell you something. There is a war coming, a war that is unlike anything any of you have ever seen before."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2014 ⏰

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