Chapter 2

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Erica's Pov. -

To my right, sat an intriguing girl, who held the look of a emo and stared boldly at me in a unnervingly predatory way. Her light blue eyes, which held specks of yellow, were outlined in black eyeliner with a mash of yellows for eye shadow. Purple hair, with dark blue tips, fell in waves down to her shoulders. The top she wore covered up her breasts nicely but showed of some of her belly giving me a glimpse of a piercing. Below that, she had on some skinny jeans and spiked, pink flats.

A light tan, that seemed to glow, and well defined curves. Last of all, plump lips which made a perfect pout when she was confused, like now.

The boy nexted to her seemed to be her boyfriend, seeing as he had an arm around her. His look resembled more of a skater boy with a serious overprotective attitude. Blond hair, cut to match his ego, hung like a shadow over his eyes. Dark blue -almost black- eyes pierced me bringing out his, already dark, tan.

He wore a loose hoodie but you could totally tell he was lean from his broad posture. His shorts were baggy and tan that ended with some loose fitting sneakers. I quickly noted that his lips seemed to be in a permanent smirk. He smelled of axe body wash, which on other boys would seem overrated and or possibly life threatening - from too much administered.

Sweeping my gaze to the far left side of the table, there was another boy who had the look of a player. A jock - from how buff he was - and he wore a tight, white t-shirt. An outgoing one since I’d never known a regular jock to dye their - short spiked up - hair neon green with black tips. Finishing up with his blue eyes, with green specks, and he was well biceps tanned.

The ‘leader’ next to me, if I’m not mistakened, growled at, what I’d guess to be, my in depth look at ‘Mr. Player’.

Slowly turning my head to the last member of the group, my breathing stopped. He was absolutely, positively drop dead smexy!!! (aka. my way of saying sexy)

Look was strong and captivating, he oozed off the air of complete control. Emerald eyes pulled me towards him as the took me in, thanks to his hair being spiked up in a smexy ‘I just woke up from having sex and just look this good’ kind of way. Trying to pull away, I looked at his lips, which didn't help at all and had the opposite effect that I’d been attempting to get. Thin and perfectly arched, they looked so kissable.

My thoughts wandered onto how they'd feel as if they were kissing their way down my body. Sucking and massaging my nipple before continuing there way down stopping at my wet core. Lightly sucking on my clit before sticking his tongue into me. Sh*t! No dirty thoughts!

Taking a small gulp, I put on what I hope looked to be a confident, relaxed, totally unaroused face before introducing myself. "I'm Erica and you are?"

"Drake," he replied, in that bedroom voice that every girl wants to hear. The one’s that made my core pulse even harder. Gosh! Could he get any sexier!?!

"It was nice to meet you and your friends, even if it was only for a moment. I hope we can see each other again...sometime," knowing that my words held double meaning.

His breath came a little short at my words, but I didn’t expect him to answer back. “We will. Real soon,” looking me deeply in my eyes, before adding a quick, “I hope.”

With that said the bell rang as I stood up and walked quickly out of the cafeteria. The only thought on my mind being about how I could get that man to be mine.

Drake's Pov. -

School had gone by at an excruciatingly slow pace. After she left the cafeteria, I didn’t end up seeing her and nobody I asked had seen her either. Sitting in bed at home, I couldn't seem to get that fiery chick out of my head. Erica. My mate. Mine...All mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2014 ⏰

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