0.5 | The Casual Tête-à-tête

51 4 1

'I knew a chamber
A chamber that was sown
If only you could see
Will I cry irrevocably'


"Jesus, I pray to hide my feeling of sinister plots that may force to face its facts. Let me think good, be good and see good.", Delaney whispered, sensing her words being partially just sobs. For comfort to confer.

The above seeker held a pendant close to her heart.

The depth of a melancholic whisper left it's reigns. It was now the bigger picture than what stood in frames.

A willow tree that slumbers. But here, it's a bloody beautiful mess.

And then there was he.


Raidyn knew far well that he was right. He felt right, if it made any difference to her.

But only the saviour knew what was worth saving.

Mellow with soothing effects tapped her soul, bearing what was buried. Forsaken tales of nostalgic depression revived.

"Such a tragic waste of skin.", echoed a voice deeply rooted across the church hall. It wasn't hormonal. Just symphonic.

Delaney turned from the manifested universe to look at Jeremiah. The man who proved his own life with himself to originality.


Knitted across her sorrow was love. She can't buy hearts. And now stood another key, to lock serendipity.

But serendipity stood to match it's beloved deprication. A moral for the mortal.

Adamantine realization slithered through warm veins, bound to infamous lies of destiny. Elusion seemed like one of them.

" Well?", he sang again. She had nil vacillation of the fact that this larynx subjected to running mascara of a tender blossom, and that this being alone was the cause of all judgements.

Cynicism was a rare attribute. But it was an attribute that held hands to chains. And palms against cheeks.

"Not in the mood, sorry.", she replied, without any imagined white lies. That was all of it.

Completion of complexity.

Her dress was a code indicating lack of interesting domain. Every feature drowned in magnificent loss of faith in humanity and hope.

"Is that remark still in ascertainment of your head? Or do you occasionally allow your heart to beat?", asked the same.

Delaney dropped her head behind, letting out a sigh of perseverance. She can't lay her thoughts straight with this capsule of questions that remained a quest for the ones who never return to surreal surrender of their best deeds.

Or words. Either of the two Delaney could forget in a moment of spending time with Raidyn.

" So I should answer you.", she smirked, her hair wavering to the gleaming candle. Ironically as if to say, all's well.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2016 ⏰

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