Fragmented Decoding

Start from the beginning

"Here love, Happy Anniversary." I said lightly pushing a box of necklace to her while we're having desserts. She smilingly frowned and took the box and opened it, she smiled glancing up to my chest seeing the other side of the small heart pendant.

I stood up and walked to her side to put the necklace on her myself. She was endlessly smiling at me even for just my simplest gestures. I latched the white gold lace around her neck lightly poking her nape tattoo she got when we graduated college.

"Thank you love, for everything tonight. Happy Anniversary." She said looking up to me, I answered her with a kiss amidst the busy fine dining restaurant, I kissed her like it's for the first time again.

Some Time After

"So how was your 'Meeting with the Tanchingcos'?" I asked Althea who's busy writing her late assignment for our literature class.

"Cool, they're cool."

"That's it? They didn't even commend my excellent choice of dress?" I demanded making her laugh.

"Actually her mother said I look nice."

"Did you take a photo of you? May I see it?" I asked, she instantly gave me her phone which doesn't have a passcode, she doesn't even personalised her wallpaper it's the still on the factory settings.

"Althea, you're not fond of tweaking your phone?"

"Hmm?" She looked at her phone shortly before shrugging.


"Kathleen's wallpaper is a photo you and her right?"

"Yeah, but I don't feel like it. And beside's it's just a phone Jade." She replied and I let it go and tap on her gallery. There's a ton of pictures on the camera roll but only one on her selfie folder.

"One photo from the momentous date?" I raised an eyebrow

"I don't take too much photo of myself."

"So you fill your phone's memory with pictures of me?!" I exclaimed seeing the number of candid shots of me all over her gallery. She laughed and scratch her eyebrow

"I don't know, you're my favorite subject."

"True enough, I think I have more pictures here than K."

"Don't tell her that." She laughed

"Are you nuts? What if she rummage your phone?"

"So what?" she innocently asked and I was staged by her indifference.

"Of course she'll find it what? Intriguing?"

"They're just pictures, I took them because I wanted to, isn't that enough reason?"

"I don't know, try telling her that and let's see what happens."

"You're funny. Kathleen's cool with anything."

"If you say so Miss Guevarra."

"Yes just trust me Miss Howell. Now can you help me with this verse assignment?"

"No you do that, come on let us see how good are you at versing."

"What a good friend you are really."

"It's a challenge, you're good with news and editorial even photojournalism so let me see your literary background."

"Right let's see. Hmmm. How hard it's gonna be?"

"Just as hard as you want it to be actually. You just have to have rhythm." I explained while she started to pen down words on her scratch paper.

"Don't look!" She said covering her work

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