Alright, time to make things worse for Allen.

I somehow managed to escape his tight grip and took two steps away from him. Then, I sat on both my knees with my right hand gracefully reaching out to him.

Allen’s face was priceless. I swear it was one of those Kodak moments. His shocked expression almost made me laugh, but I managed to keep it together.

People had now gathered around us. Some giggling, while some were just whispering.

“Cutie, would you honour me with a rain dance?” I asked with all seriousness.

Allen’s face was as red as a tomato. I’m not even exaggerating. He looked so cute when he was embarrassed.

“Clary, please.” He said helplessly. This is seriously priceless. He was so embarrassed he was actually begging me.

“I’ll stop if we walk to your car in the rain.” I whispered.

“Fine.” He said with gritted teeth.

“Really?” I asked surprised

“Yes really.” He said extremely annoyed.

This was seriously the highlight of my day.

I stood up excitedly and yelled to our audience.

“OMG you guys he said yesss!!”

The crowd erupted in cheers while some people understood the joke and started to laugh at my craziness.

Before I could say anything, Allen caught my forearm and dragged me outside the mall.

“Easy.” I said rubbing my skin because of his tight grip.

“How? ...Why?.. You know.... I’m.” Allen obviously did not have enough words to describe how embarrassed he felt.

Before he gave me his usual speech, I made my way towards the rain.

I danced in the rain and jumped in puddles. Twirling in every direction, enjoying the feeling of water on my skin. The tiny water droplets touched my skin, leaving my clothes soaking wet. I let my hair down and let it drop on my shoulder, shaking my head in every direction excitedly.

I looked for Allen who I noticed was staring at me amused. I didn’t see anger in his eyes anymore. Instead I think, I think I saw.....lust?

He quickly recomposed himself when he saw me walking towards him. Before he could protest I pulled him in the rain.

“You are seriously going to pay for this. For everything you have done today.”

“Whatever. Just eat your chocolates and enjoy the rain.” I said skipping to his car.

The walk back to his car lasted 10 minutes. On our way I made sure to jump in every single puddle so that the water would splash on him. He asked me to stop numerous times, but soon gave up.

Just like last time, without opening the door for me he went straight to the driver’s seat.

“Let’s go back to school.Cutie.”

He gave me deathly glare and said.

“Dont. Call. Me. That.”

“Oh shut up I know you enjoy it.”

“You do know what will happen if you call my cutie right?” He asked exiting the parking lot.

“Yeah, you’ll slap my butt. But I don’t think you can do that while I’m sitting on a seat and you’re driving. Can you now?”

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