Dash shrugged. “If you say so.”

“But what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in Canterlot with the Princess? Why didn’t you want me saying anything in front of Ditzy? If I can ask that is.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “I’m kinda taking a bit of time for myself.”

“It’s so nice that Princess Celestia is giving you a vacation so you could come visit!”

“Um….” The blue pegasus coughed. “Yeah…thing is, I didn’t exactly ask...”

Fluttershy covered her mouth for fear that she might scream. “Oh my goodness!” She breathed softly. “You left without her permission?”

“Hey! I don’t need her permission for every little thing, I’m not a foal you know.” Dash snapped, crossing her hooves over her chest. “I’m just taking some time for myself…she probably doesn’t even know I’m gone.”

Fluttershy made her way over to the couch and sat next to Rainbow Dash. “Did you two have a fight?” Rainbow turned away, answering without saying a word. “I’m sorry. It must’ve been just awful for you.”

“It’s fine.” Dash grumbled. “I mean, who cares if she drags me to meet a bunch of rich snots instead of teaching me how to do the Sonic Rainboom. That instead of becoming a Wonderbolt I get to read a bunch of boring books by boring old dead ponies who use big words nopony ever uses.”

“I think it’s nice that Princess Celestia wants you to try different things.” Fluttershy piped up. “It shows that she really cares about you.”

Rainbow Dash snorted. The next thing she heard was the clip-clop of Fluttershy’s hooves as she walked upstairs only to come down a minute later. She felt more than heard Fluttershy sit back on the couch. “I think you should look at this.”

When Dash turned on her side so that she was facing Fluttershy, she saw that the yellow pegasus was holding out a book towards her. “What is it?”

“These are all the letters you sent me from Canterlot.” Fluttershy said softly. “I’m, um, just going to go get that tea.” Then she left Rainbow Dash alone. Rainbow watched her go without a word then looked back at Fluttershy’s book as if it might suddenly get up and bite her.

She turned away…but either out of boredom or curiosity, she found herself turning back and opening the book in her lap. She opened the embroidered cover (snorting a little at the quintessential Fluttershy touch) to find a crudely written letter staring up at her. It was dated right after the end of Summer Flight Camp, a few weeks after her Sonic Rainboom.

Dear Fluttershy,

Hey Flutter-butters! I’m writing from Canterlot, isn’t that so awesome? Flight Camp was cool but I’m not gonna miss sleeping in a cloud cabin with all those other fillies talking about colts and manes and junk. Ugh. You were the only one who didn’t make me want to pull my feathers out. But now I have my own room and everything. Need to get rid of the bed though. It’s all pink and girly, plus it isn’t even made of clouds! Lame. But the Princess is really awesome. Turns out she likes pranks too! And she’s really fast even though she’s so big--don’t tell her I said that! I bet I’ll be Rainbooming by the end of the week!

Look to the skies for the newest and coolest future Wonderbolt,

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash smiled, flipping through the book, stopping on another letter from a few weeks later.

Today was so cool! Princess Celestia took me to see the Wonderbolts from her own box. You should’ve seen it! I swear Spitfire winked at us as she went past! Then we went to get a hayburger--I was *so* sick of the fancy castle food!!-- and she stole my fries! She did! She TOTALLY did! Princess Celestia raided my hay fries! Turns out she isn’t some stuffy lady but a really cool pony. And she did buy another order of fries so it’s okay.

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